Chapter 9

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Author's Note: I am listening to Hamilton rn and it's the best omg. But that's unrelated. Just a shoutout to my other works including Twist So Good, which is a Stucky recover fanfiction, Improbable, my HP/DW fanfiction crossover and His Impossible Girl, which is Whouffle. :) -staygoldstiles


Hux breathed in the fresh library air as he smoothed down his hair and looked around for Ellen. He saw the tall blonde sitting down at a table in a corner by the science books, smiling and waving at him. He smiled and walked over.

"Hey, Brendol," She said as he sat down. "How are you?"

"Oh. I'm okay. How about you, Ellen?" Hux reached in his backpack and took out his laptop and 1178 page book on neurological diseases, sighing a bit.

"I'm doing good, too. Are you sure you're okay? You seem kind of tired."

"Well," Hux chuckled. "Neurology does that to you. Yeah, I'm tired but we gotta do this."

"Yeah, I agree with you completely. I'm actually exhausted I stayed up late last night reading a book for fun, which is my fault actually." Ellen giggled a bit and said seriously, "Agh, let's get some of this done, oh my gosh."

They both chuckled and cracked open their books. It was true that Hux was tired, they had another boring lecture in class (how the hell did the Headmistress even enjoy her job, even if she did?), then he went back to his living space and did some research on the diseases himself because he didn't really have anything to do and also because he promised himself that he would. Then he felt the need to feed Millicent and by the time he had finished that, it was time to go to the Starkiller library to meet Ellen and work on the project. He hadn't even had time to make himself a cappuccino. Not that he was feeling sorry for himself, but Hux could probably fall asleep in the library desk and he bet that he probably would.

Hux yawned as he went to a high-class looking neurology website. Ellen asked, "So is it true? Your dad is really a neurological prodigy?"

Hux sighed. He was used to being asked questions about his dad, because he was famous in all the science communities for discovering a cure for 3 neurological diseases by the time he was 19. He got his PhD at 24 years old, which was also the same age that his girlfriend, who was a beautiful Irish woman who grew up in a not-so-wealthy family, gave birth to Brendol. They married 2 days after she had Brendol, so technically Brendol was an illegitimate child but he never mentioned it to anyone except for Ben, and Hux only told him after they were watching the episode of Game of Thrones when they found out that Jon Snow was an illegitimate child. It was sometime in December last year. He just mentioned it briefly and Ben hadn't thought of him any differently. Hux had made him swear that he wouldn't tell anyone though, and he hadn't. So no one else knew that Hux was an illegitimate child.

Anyway, Brendol Hux Sr. continued to work in the neurological department and he was extremely famous there because of his wealth and accomplishments. He still was, 21 years later. So of course Ellen knew about his dad.

"Yeah, it's totally true." Hux smiled, looking down at his notebook. "But it seems as if you already know the story." Hux pulled out a page from his notebook and showed it to Ellen. "These are the notes I did earlier today."

Ellen took it from him saying excitedly, "Awesome! Thanks, Brendol." She paused, then looked back at Hux, saying, "Can I ask you a personal question, perhaps?"

"Uh...yeah, you can. But if I'll answer, well, that depends on what the question is. Shoot."

"Well, like, did your dad force you into the neurology profession or did you sign up to do it willingly? A lot of people here are forced into it by their science-loving parents and they don't like it, so that's why they drop out."

"Nah, Ellen. He didn't force me to do it. Whether or not I turn out like my dad, which will probably be not, I really don't care. I actually really enjoy neurology and I sort of gave up acting for it. I still do acting on the side though."

Ellen's eyes widened. "No way! I used to do acting, too! In fact, I just decided to major in neurology this year! Like during the summer, I mean."

"Wow, that's pretty cool." Hux blinked, trying to sound engaged.

"My ex also did acting. I kinda did it with him, actually."

Hux nearly choked. 'Ben, oh my god.' He thought. 'I was supposed to call Ben.' He was thankful that Ellen had reminded him that he needed to call Ben, but unintentionally. He'd only known the girl for a day, it would probably take months of gaining her trust for him to actually tell her that he was dating her ex. He tried to imagine her reaction but he didn't know her well enough to be able to do that.

"That's nice," Hux but the inside of his cheek, thinking about Ben. He looked up to Ellen and said, "I'm gonna use the bathroom, okay?" Ellen nodded and Hux walked down the aisle and turned the corner. He stepped outside the bathroom and dialled Ben. No answer.

Hux groaned with regret when he remembered that he was supposed to call Ben at lunch and that was three hours ago. He texted him: "Hey, Ben, you up?" But again, no reply. Hux sighed. He felt like e deserved it for forgetting. At least Ben was sleeping, but he wondered how he felt. Hux knew that he was probably handling it well because it was only one day. He made a mental note to himself that he would call Ben at lunch tomorrow. Then he typed an actual note on his phone just in case he forgot his mental one.

Feeling defeated, Hux walked back to Ellen. They worked for about an hour before Ellen told Hux that she had to leave for the first meeting of her cooking club off campus. Hux left to go back to his living space.

Millicent curled up with him as soon as he went in his living space, made some home style Eggo waffles (which his dad would also hate for him to eat) and sat down. He petted her as he nibbled his waffles, feeling lonely.

Author's Note: Sorry I made it so sad! I promise the chapter tomorrow will be much better and (spoiler alert) a lot of cuteness and comforting :) -staygoldstiles

Wild ♥︎ Book 2 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant