General Questions About My Writing/ Wild

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For one thing, if you know the artist of any of the art I have used in any of my fics (especially Ch. 24 of this one because idk where it's from), please tell me so I can credit them. Thank you so much.

Yep another one of these because I love doing them and I know you guys love reading them. I'll do another one for Can't Take My Eyes Off of You :)

These are different questions though. The picture above has the questions on it.


Q1, things that inspire me: Nature, art, certain books and movies and people, and some of the music I listen to. Also other people in the fandom and some headcanons.

Q2, things that motivate me: When I read a good book or watch a good movie, or read a fanfiction that's based on the same fandom or topic I'm writing about.

Q3, 3 favourite writers: JK Rowling, Rick Riordan, Jane Austen.

Q4, 3 authors who were influential to my work and why: JK Rowling, Rick Riordan and Rainbow Rowell because their writing is smooth, funny and engaging and all the plot lines are amazing.

Q5, since how long do I write: Wrote my first book when I was 6. Taught myself to read when I was 6 months old. Wrote my first fanfiction when I was 11.

Q6, How did writing change me: I feel like writings made me into a better person and I'm definitely more intelligent and creative and I've got a good disposition.

Q7, early influences on my writing: From the things I saw around me or when I read other people's work or when I just simply look around and notice the world around me.

Q8, what time am I most productive: This definitely depends. When it comes during the school year, I wrote whenever I've finished my homework and my studying and I don't have any upcoming tests. During the summer, it's usually late at night haha 😂 (I'm not even kidding I'll have an idea and get inspired at like 4 in the morning and I'll have to go on my phone and write lol

Q9, do I set myself deadlines: For this fic I did. I promised I'll be finished by the end of the summer. For Training Wheels I didn't, but this took me 3/4 of a month longer to write than Training Wheels. On Improbable, I don't have one. For His Impossible Girl I also promised to be finished by the end of the summer.

Q10, How do I do my researches: Tumblr and or I'll watch the TV show/ movie or read the book again or I'll go to each fandom's respective Wikipedia.

Q11, do I listen to music while writing: Yes, yes and yes. I listened to a lot of Panic! at the Disco and Melanie Martinez for Training Wheels and for Wild, I listened to Landon Pigg and Franki Valli and of course HAMILTON. I LOVE HAMILTON SO MUCH LIKE O M G. 💕💕💕

Q12, favourite place to write: This may sound weird, but in a dark, cozy room. The lack of light causes me to focus on my thoughts and not my surroundings, and it's all very relaxing. I spent a good chunk of writing Wild in my bed haha.

Q13, hardest character to write: If we're pertaining to only this book or the Kylux Trilogy in general, it's gotta be Han Solo, the twins and Hux. I feel like I make Han and Luke overrated (hi H they're not I love them both dearly) and I hate writing about Leia, my 2nd favourite Star Wars character since I was 5 (my 1st fave is Han), like she's a villain. She's not even supposed to be a villain in this trilogy, she's just a strict parent. I based her off of my own mum. Leia is much nicer now though. And as for Hux, well, he's difficult because even though the Armitageddon gave us a lot of information on his background and how he became a First Order general, I don't really know how to apply that information into a college AU, you know? Even if I didn't apply it, there would be too little information to make him seem like an interesting character IN THIS AU. But I try my best and from the comments I've been getting, it seems like I've been doing pretty darn well with it :)

Q14, easiest character to write: Kylo and Rey. I base their characters both off their canon characters with a little of my own stuff added here and there. I also base them both off of me a bit as well, mostly Kylo. They're so fun to write and it's just plain awesome.

Q15, hardest verse to write: I'm gonna generalise here and say anything where Kylo and Hux are talking about their feelings. I watch a lot of romance TV shows in order to get into the feeling and be able to express it correctly in a book because (ooooh huge reveal coming up) I've never been in a relationship before. It hurts me and saddens me but I know that I'll just wait until the right person comes. I've had plenty of crushes before, but I've never known how it would feel to love someone and for them to have the same requited feeling. So when I write about Hux and Kylo, who have strong requited feelings for each other, it's pretty hard because I'm not extracting information from my memory or experience, I have to do it from someone else's, whether it be an romance drama book I read or from a character on a TV show, any types of requited love that I've written in any of my books are not written from experience. Not yet anyway, one day I'll be able to write from experience.

Q16, easiest verse to write: Think of any relatable passage or quote in the book (or any of my other books) and bam, that's where it is. I try to be relatable and it's really easy for me to be relatable to other folks. I love it :)

Q17, favourite AU to write: Depends on the fandom I guess. But for most fandoms, it's usually either a school AU or a historical AU because I am a huge history nerd and school AUs are just easy to write.

Q18, favourite pairing to write: Kylux. Kylux. Kylux. But you guys already knew that. :)

Q19, favourite fandom to write: Oh man. I'm not saying that this wasn't a hard decision but I'm gonna have to go with Star Wars and Doctor Who. For doctor who it's sooooo easy because you can put your characters literally anywhere you'd like and it won't mess with the plot line at all. For Star Wars, it's easy to make AUs and for the canon one, they're so many unfinished holes in the plot line so it's easy to fill them in. :)

Q20, favourite character to write: Rey, Kylo, Poe, Finn, The Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald, Percy Jackson, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov and Steve Rogers.

Q21, least favourite character to write: Luke Skywalker (he's really, really, really hard to write in the canon), Lando Calrissian, Sam Wilson, Maximoff twins and Rose Tyler.

Q22, favourite story I've ever written: I'm never going to choose. I love them all so, so much 💝

I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TWO MORE DAYS OF SUMMER IM CRYING. I also can't believe I'm over halfway done with the Kylux Trilogy. This book took a lot of sweat and tears and the gears in my brain are overworked. But I'll be damned if it wasn't a fun book to write. Wild was amazing and I really hoped you all enjoyed it.

Now because of the start of school, I obviously won't be that active on wattpad. But when I get a break, the 3rd and final book of the Kylux Trilogy, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, shall be started then. It's gonna be months from now and not to promise y'all anything, but it may begin at the end of December this year or at the very beginning of January 2017. But there may be a chance that it will be started as soon as Training Wheels gets to 1k reads. My book Useless, about the info I got from the Armitageddon, should be the next book I'm writing. It's gonna be very short, about 8.3k words, which is how long my Stucky book Twist So Good was. If that isn't the next book, it will be either my Daredevil fic, my Lex Luthor fic, or my Peter Maximoff fic (it will most likely be Useless anyway).

But yeah my social media is in the bio and you can always ask me for my kik or my snapchat or my personal/spam Instagram accs. And comment what you thought of the book overall or of my overall writing or comment if you'll read any of my other fics.

Love you guys lots. You bring me so much well-needed positivity. Huge s/o to general-ginger and @NinjaPotterBright and @PrincessfromAltea  for being my most supportive and active readers. Here's a donut and a popcorn for everyone 🍩🍿🍩🍿🍩🍿 *\(^o^)/*

So goodbye for now. Stay gold all y'all. And LONG. LIVE. KYLUX!!!!!!

Until next time! 👋

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