Chapter 5

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Rey had made pancakes that morning, which Ben ate some of and got on his school clothes. "School clothes" to Ben meaning whatever was clean, so he put on a red polo with black jeans and his converse. He brushed out his hair so it hung loosely around his shoulders and looked for a playlist to listen to. A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was Rey's favourite Panic! at the Disco album so Ben looked it up on Spotify. He'd grown pretty fond of their music anyway.

"Oh, and Ben, late-night neurology classes were cancelled this year due to budget cuts." Rey mentioned as she slipped on her jacket. "So I don't have to leave you alone anymore."

"Good. I hope you get to learn neurology in the day," Ben said, thinking back to how lonely the nights were in the dorm alone without Rey. "I hated when you left me alone."

"Oh, don't be such a drama queen." Rey laughed a bit and opened the door.

After they'd left they went their separate ways because Rey had English first and Ben had history first. Besides drama, that was his favourite class. He put in his earphones and listened to the opening notes of a Panic! at the Disco song he'd never heard until now. Music was always great.

Ben spent most of the day with Finn, who luckily, he had three classes with. Ben was super pissed that he, as a sophomore, had 5 days of classes a week but Finn managed to make him feel better about it by telling him that he got to spend more time acting. And Ben said the same about Finn, since he decided to keep his major creative writing and not switch over to science.

Ben and Finn were able to walk over to Chipotle for lunch again. Ben was feeling extremely tired which he though was weird, because he had gotten 10 hours of sleep last night. He felt grateful that he only had to carry on for another two hours before he could go back to his dorm and take a nap.

When he told Finn this, Finn asked him, "Why are you so tired, dude? Like, if you got 10 hours of sleep last night."

Ben didn't answer him. He just barely shrugged and took a half-hearted bite of his burrito. He could feel Finn's eyes on him.

After a couple more seconds, Finn sat back in his seat, nodding. "Oh, I see."

Ben quickly looked up. "What?" He asked, but since his mouth was full it sounded more like, "Waff?"

"You're not tired, Ben. You're sad, aren't you?"

Ben looked at Finn for a couple seconds, at the thoughtful look on his face. Then he turned back to his burrito, saying, "I'm fine, Finn. Thanks."

"Has he called you since he left?"

Ben sighed. He put down his burrito and folded his arms, his eyes squinting at Finn. "No, he hasn't. It's okay, he's busy." Ben thought for a bit. He believed that Hux was busy anyway.

But at the same time he just missed him so freaking much. Not a single phone call, it had been like, five days. School started today for him too, what could he have been doing that he was so busy?

Ben snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head. "Yeah, I don't know what he could've been doing when school hadn't started but all I know is that he is indeed busy. I don't know with what. But I miss him so much, Finn. I feel like a part of me left America with him and it's making me feel drained." Ben said quietly and truthfully to his best friend. He sighed and looked back up to Finn.

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