Chapter 12

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Please follow my Instagram I'm a desperate hoe its thatskinnyscottishbloke. Tysm -staygoldstiles

Time passed, and soon enough, the students were released for a week-long fall break.

Ben and Rey had finished their packing an entire week earlier so when they got back to their dorm after classes they were able to get their bags and head down to the parking lot, where Han was.

When Ben got down to the parking lot with Rey, who was way too excited to listen to old men ramble about airplane engines for a week straight, he rushed to the car. He saw Han with some dark shades on, slumped in the car and he assumed that he was sleeping. Ben knocked on the window and Han jolted awake, looking at Ben with shock.

"Ben, oh my god." His voice was muffled through the window. Han rolled the window down, and gestured to the back. "Nice to see you, son. Bags in the back."

"Hey, Dad, just wanted to apologise for that night when I-"

"Ben, it's okay. You apologised enough, and I forgive you. Besides, I didn't punish you, did I?" Han winked at Ben, making him smile.

"Yeah, you didn't. Thanks, Dad, you're the best." Ben traveled to the back of Han's minivan to see Rey had opened the trunk and was loading her bags in. She noticed Ben and said, "It's cool, Ben, I'll put in your stuff for you."

Ben nodded and handed the suitcases off to her. Then he went and sat down in the backseat of the car on the left because Chewie's cage was in the right front seat. Soon, Rey came to join them and sat on the right.

Han looked at Rey and Ben from the front car mirror. "Everyone all good?"

"Yeah." Ben and Rey answered in unison. Ben buckle his seatbelt and leaned on the window of the car as Han started the car and began to drive.

After 20 minutes of Rey texting Finn (Ben told her to say hi from him and Han) and Ben playing Doodle Jump on his phone, Han finally drove up to the animal shelter. He told Rey and Ben to wait in the car until he comes back and took Chewie out and went inside the building.

Ben shut off his phone and slithered down his seat, staring off into space. Eh tried not to let his mind wander off to Hux but it seemed as if that was what it always did when it wasn't thinking about school or acting and stuff. He noticed Rey lean over to look into his eyes.

"Benny," she said. "You're thinking about him now, aren't you?"

Ben nodded.

Rey rested a hand on his. "You'll get through it. You'll see him or hear from him again very soon."

Ben opened his moth to say something but then decided that it was useless answering.


Han came back 10 minutes later and they were on the road again. Ben watched the scenery change from the suburbs to what he thought was the middle of nowhere. He prayed to God that Han knew where he was going.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see that it was Rey. She was staring into his eyes and her face was 3 inches away from his.

"Benny," She whispered. She held up her phone to show Ben that she had an open iMessage chat with Ben's mother. Ben frowned when he saw the name "Leia" on her screen.

Rey said, "She just texted me saying hi and we were talking for a bit and she asked how you were. I was-"

Ben held up a finger and Rey closed her mouth. "Don't. Tell her anything about me, Rey. Please."

Wild ♥︎ Book 2 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora