Chapter 17

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Authors Note: LMAO I just realised that in my last chapter I said Mitaka but it autocorrected to Mistake and I didn't notice until now. I fixed it though.

Today was the last day of my show and I loved it. Went great :)

Good news- I've decided to write a Daredevil fanfiction, along with a Quicksilver (X-Men) fanfiction and a Destiel AU. Although none of them will be as important as my Kylux Trilogy - staygoldstiles


"I literally cannot get over how amazing the Falcon was, Benny." Rey tapped her foot.

Ben rolled his eyes discreetly. "Yep, I can see that."

Ever since they got back from the museum, Rey would not shut up about the Falcon. She had talked about it a million times, it seemed. She only mentioned it sometimes but to Ben, it seemed like all the time. Now the two of them were on their two-day thanksgiving break, waiting at the door for their guests to come to Han's house. Rey had slept over last night and she said that Luke would be late.

Ben decided to pretend to be interested in what Rey had to say about the Falcon. He had gotten used to doing that for the past three weeks that she had been talking. "Yeah, I know, I thought it would be trash at first but the Falcon actually turned out to be... interesting. If that's the word for it."

"I know, right! And then that one day when Uncle Han gave his speech about the Kessel Run... I mean I was like-" Rey had continued speaking, but Ben zoned out for a bit, wondering if this would be another awkward thanksgiving and hoping that it wasn't.

There was a ring on the doorbell. Ben beat Rey to to lock and unlocked it to see his Uncle Lando's smiling face.

Rey had beat Ben to jump into his arms. She squeezed him tightly, drawling, "Hello, Uncle Lando, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing just fine and dandy, my girl." Lando let go and took a step back to take a look at Rey. "You've gotten so tall, Rey. How long has it been since I've seen either one of ya?"

"About two years." Ben answered.

Lando looked up at Ben (Ben was about 6 inches taller). Then he hugged him under his armpits saying, "Well, hello, to you too, Benjamin. You have certainly grown quite a lot as well. Last time I saw you, you must've been up to my shoulder."

"You're probably right, it's good to see you, Uncle Lando." Ben smiled a bit, sitting down on the floor as he let go of Lando.

Lando said, "Ben, my boy, I cannot believe how long your hair has gotten."

Ben scoffed, shrugging. He twirled a lock of his hair that had fallen past his shoulder. "Yeah, me neither, Uncle Lando. I like it, though."

"Uncle Lando, Uncle Han took me and Ben to see the Falcon a couple weeks ago!" Rey said excitedly.

Lando's eyes widened. "Rey... that's great! Tell me, did he tell you about the Kessel Run?"

Rey nodded excitedly. "Twelve hundred miles!!!"

Ben decided to zone out the talk about the Millennium Falcon, which he thought he was very good at. Eventually Han came into the mud room where Ben, Rey and Lando were in, and they greeted each other like they hadn't seen each other in years although they had just seen each other at a work meeting a week ago and they spoke on the phone almost every day. Both Ben and Rey thought it was pretty great that Han had someone who was such a good friend to him that his niece and son called him "Uncle".

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