Chapter 23

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The thing about being away from someone is when you finally see them again, it's like seeing them for the first time. Noticing all the little things and appreciating them. The feeling is mesmerising and exhilarating.

This would describe exactly how Hux felt to see Ben outside the airport waiting for him. Hux could tell that he was tired, with the messiness of his hair and the fact that he was wearing wrinkled joggers. But somehow, the simplicity of Ben's appearance to Hux was one of the most splendid things in the universe.

Hux saw Ben's eyes widen and the corners crinkle as soon as he caught sight of him. Then Hux rushed up to him and kissed him like nobody else was there. It felt like it was their first kiss all over again: new, enticing and exciting.

Hux thanked God that he had brushed his teeth and ate a couple Mentos after he got off the plane. He threw his arms around Ben's shoulders and Ben put his hands on Hux's waist. And in that moment, it felt like they were the only two people on earth.

Hux was the one to let go and break off the kiss, keeping his arms around Ben's shoulders and looking into his eyes. He felt like speaking would ruin the moment, but there were in fact, no words left to speak. All was spoken in that moment Ben and Hux had shared, and their emotions and body language spoke better than words ever could.


Mitaka was able to meet Rey, Han and Ben. He seemed mainly confident, and Hux was glad that he had helped him get to that point. No one was really wary or suspicious of Mitaka because Rey, Han and Ben both loved meeting new people.

After the two had finished their moment of passion, Hux saw Ben got straight past him to Mitaka. He shook his hand and said, "Hello! You must be the Dopheld Mitaka I've been hearing so much about!"

Mitaka looked a bit startled but then he said, "Yeah, and you must be Ben? I've been hearing loads about you, too, it's great to finally meet you. Did Brendol say he was bringing me?"

"Yeah, like, three days ago." Ben looked over by the car, where Rey and Han were still leaning against it. "Over there is Rey and my dad, Han. Rey's my cousin." Ben grinned over at Rey, Han and Hux. "Aren't y'all glad he could join us?"

Han helped Hux and Mitaka load their stuff into the trunk. Rey say in the front seat and Ben on the left, Hux in the middle and Mitaka on the right.

Rey turned on the radio and leaned back in her chair, announcing that she was going to sleep. Mitaka said he'd probably do the same. Hux grabbed Ben's hand in his and leaned on his shoulder, listening to the tunes and being eternally grateful that Ben was there in his arms and could share the music with him.

After an hour or so (and after Han dropped off Mitaka at his house), Han pulled up to his house, where he said that Leia, Lando, Luke, Finn and Poe would also be. Rey hadn't fallen asleep at all: she said that she was going to take a shower and change into pjs.

Han locked the car and he and Rey went inside, with Ben and Hux trailing lightly.

"Isn't it funny how you only start to appreciate something or someone when you're going from it or them for a while?" Hux said, twirling Ben's hair.

"I know exactly what you mean. Like being gone from you for so long, love, I swear it drove me wild."

"Wild?" Hux repeated, confused. When the word "wild" was said, he usually thought it would be used in the case of an animal.

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