A Return of Many

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We finally got back from Paris. Everything was the same except I had a ring on my finger. Something Fin, Barba, and Amanda wouldn't be happy to see. They can't know, they would never forgive me. Tucker's sleeping in the bedroom and Noah was out cold in his room. So I decided to call Fin.

"Hey Fin"

"Hey baby girl glad your back, we got a new detective when you were gone, you will never guess who it is"

"As long as the words that come out of your mouth are not Elliot Stabler I will be happy" I joked.

"Nope, not him, Lake is back, I guess he went UC for a little bit after the incident, by the way you owe me $50"

"What, why we haven't made any bets recently?"

"Chester said he went out with Casey when he was here.. so you definitely owe me $50"

"Dammit I'll pay you later, have you talked to Casey or anyone lately"

"I talked to Cragen I may or may not have told him about you and Tucker"

"What Fin really, what did he say"

"Don't invite me to the wedding" Fin joked.

"Did he really say that" my eyes were tearing up at the fact Don might not come.

"Yeah he was joking though, he doesn't think it'll last no offense" I look down at my hand, at the shiny engagement ring and silently let tears fall from my eyes.

"Okay well I have to go tell Lake I said welcome back"

"I will bye Liv be safe"

"You too, bye Fin"

I let out a sob as I thought how the whole squad, my other family wouldn't come to my own wedding. I'm going to work tomorrow without the ring on it's that simple.

"Babe, are you okay? What's wrong?"Ed said his voice laced with exhaustion.

"I can't tell the squad we're engaged, they'll never forgive me. I'm sorry but I can't wear this ring at work"

"Hey, hey it's okay you do whatever you feel you need to. Do they know I'm no longer IAB"

"Yeah, I'll figure it out but I can't tell them yet Ed. Can we wait maybe throw a party later on"

"We'll do whatever you want sweetie, now get some rest we have work tomorrow" he kisses my forehead after he finishes.

"Okay let's go, I'm exhausted" I say with a small smile, even though I'm beyond worried.

On the other side of the city a man looked at the names of occupants in an apartment building and noticed it was missing the one he was looking for. "What if she's dead?" he thought.

MUHAHAHA who am I kidding we all know who it is. He's BAAAAACK. Now how are they going to reunite.

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