Reunions Suck

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"Elliot you motherfucker" Fin yelled as he took a swing at Elliot when he appeared in the waiting room. Fin was held back by Amanda, he quickly freed himself and kneed Elliot where no man should be kicked.

"Fuck, what the hell Fin" Elliot cried out in pain hunching over, Kathy at his side.

"You think you can in here after fucking how long and expect open arms. FUCK YOU Stabler. You broke her man.. after all the shit you put her through she still, she still cared about you" Fun screamed and that's when Amanda realized who this was. Elliot motherfucking Stabler.

"Fin, I talked to her last night, I know I fucked up but that isn't important. Look man wait, the fuck Lake why are you here"

"I came back after the incident last year, they needed a detective and I finished my time on the beat so I volunteered to come back, but in my opinion, from what I know you're a fucker" Chester said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Okay then... but I need to talk to all of you is Tucker here"

"He's sitting closer to Liv's room why" Fin asked.

"Good, look I need to talk about Liv, I found out last night"

"Jeez, Stabler get to the fucking point already"

"She had a bruise on her wrist I asked her about it and she just kept saying she needed to leave. She sounded nervous"

"Elliot she works in a unit that requires leg work the could've happened anywhere, I don't like Tucker any more then you do but he's good to Liv" Fin said.

"It's all my fucking fault, God damnit" Amanda said in a quiet voice but it caught the attention of the group.

"What happened Amanda" Fin whispered.

"I told her if she didn't break it off with him I would tell you guys, Cragen and Munch that they got engaged. The next day she said she did it"

"He fucking hit her when she tried to break up with him. Wait, Amanda they got engaged" Fin exclaimed.

"Where's her room I'm gonna kill him" Elliot said.

"Room 452 right down there" Fin pointed out.

"I'm gonna kill you"

"I'm gonna kill you. You made her cry herself to sleep you fuck. I didn't....

"Ed, Elliot what are you doing here" Olivia said in a tired voice.

"Liv honey, go back to sleep you need to rest I'll bring Noah tomorrow okay" Ed whispered.

"No, what the hell is going on why are you even here"

"Kathy called me, Fin called her. I was about to kick the shit out of him for hurting you but you interrupted me"

"Ed come in my room, Elliot leave us the fuck alone"

"No he hit you I told your squad"

"You did what, I can't... I can't"

"Come on babe lets go sit you down, stay the fuck away from us" Tucker said.

"I'll be back tomorrow and if I see a scratch on her you're dead"

Inside Olivia's Room

"Are you feeling better"

"Yeah I just couldn't breathe, God I'm sorry. I just wanted to stop feeling numb, I just kept thinking about him"

"Promise me you'll never do this again. I couldn't stand to lose you and neither could Noah"

"God I wasn't even thinking. And now Elliot telling the squad you beat me. I can't even look at them. They won't believe us, they still think of you as the IABs puppet. I can't do this"

"Hey they'll believe us okay. Don't worry about it alright I love you now get some rest I'm gonna go home and stay with Noah so don't worry about him"

"Alright love you say hi to Noah for me"

One hour later

"Hi Liv"

"Elliot what the fuck are you doing here"

"Liv you can't keep living like this. He could kill you"

"He.. he didn't mean... mean it. It was an accident. Iso... isolated incident"

"It's never just once, no man could not mean it when he hurts a women"

"He... he... it was... an... an accident"

"What did he do Liv, did he rape you when you tried to break up with him" Elliot yelled.

"I... I tried to.... to"

"To get away Olivia talk to me"

And then the machines started beeping rapidly and a few nurses and a doctor told him to leave the room as he walked out, he saw her start convulsing. He caused her to have a seizure.

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