Days Gone By....

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23 Days that's what it feels like. Ever since Chester took me I have had time to realize all of my mistakes. Reflect on every bit of my life even the parts I'd rather forget. I thought about Olivia, Kathy, Eli, Maureen, Kathleen, Dickie, Lizzie. Everyone I have ever known. I have realized how terrible I was to Olivia. I pushed her away for years I made comments about her not having a family not being able to take care of herself. I hurt her because I didn't want her to love me but she did. The last straw was me leaving and yet I expected it all to be fixed when I got back. Chester made a joke yesterday about how if I had take care of her after Sealview I wouldn't be here today. He's right I never truly found out what happened at Sealview but it hurt her and I had told her she couldn't take care of herself on the job before. She no longer could be vulnerable in front of me after I said that.
"Hey asshole you awake? I wanna show you something" Lake said.


"This right here is the DD-5 of Olivia Benson for her case dealing with Lowell Harris. You should read it maybe learn a little bit about what happened. I think you knowing that is enough torture on its own"

Tuckson Apartment

"Do you want to go to missing persons today. We can ask them about their progress"

"It'll be the same as last time Ed. They didn't find anything on either of them because of a cop wants to disappear he can"
Phone Rings

"Lieutenant Benson, who checked it out okay thank you. When do they return it. All right great we will be there. Bye"

"What was that"

"That was the desk sergeant he said someone checked out an old DD-5 mine. It was during Ashley Tyler's rape case"

"Why did they notify you"

"Cragen put a notification stamp on it just in case Elliot tried to check it out without me knowing"

"What's in the file that you don't want Elliot to see"

"While I was in Sealview Harris took me down to the basement and attempted to force to give him oral.... sex" I stuttered as the waves of tears rolled down my cheeks just thinking about it. Ed came close and held me to his chest petting my hair.

"Who ordered the file" he quietly whispered into my ear.

"Chester Lake"

A/N alright guys I am soooo sorry I had a lot going on and I had major writers block I kept forgetting about this or just putting it off so I hope you enjoy this small chapter I'm gonna try to become more consistent :)

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