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I feel my brain thumping up against my skull. Damn that hurts. I hear someone open a door that's when I move my hands except I don't have much mobility my legs are tied to the chair I'm in and so are my arms.

"Dirty cops even ex-cops are still dirty. They don't deserve to be here. You were a dirty cop you're still dirty. You need to leave like the rest, don't ya Stabler" he knows my name, I know that voice it's familiar. Then I feel the cold unforgiving barrel of a gun running up my arms.

"I never really liked you. You were normally my least favorite, Olivia Fin and Casey were nice. John was bearable. You were insufferable being terrible to all of them, you beat up suspects for looking at Olivia yet never had the balls to say you loved her and now *chuckles* and now she's engaged to one of your worst enemies because you didn't make your move. Your a monster, an alcoholic, an abuser, an jealous best friend sorry I mean ex-best friend and a dirty cop. You don't get to be here anymore, you will never hurt anyone again" I try to talk to get a glance but that gag and blindfold don't budge. It's Chester, why the fuck would Chester Lake do this.

————————————Olivia's Hospital Room

"Ed, I'm so sorry"

"Why are you sorry nothing could've stopped him when he was like that *his fingers graze the bruise that covers my throat* did he choke you" I nod, trying to cover the embarrassment on my face.

"It's okay Liv he'll be put away for this mess okay"

"He's going to rehab he was so drunk it's not his fault but I need to tell you something"

"OLIVIA, he was sober enough to start drinking so it's his fault, GODDAMNIT LIV HOW DO I GET YOU TO SEE THAT"

"I'm sorry, it's just, please just let him go to rehab. I won't press charges Ed I'm sorry but I won't please don't do it either. He'll get better I know he can, he will. But we need to talk"

"Okay fine what is it"

"I'm pregnant"

"What.... no that's... this is some sick joke. What did you join Elliot when he was drinking"

"I'm not lying, Ed I wouldn't lie about this"

"I need to umm go think for a bit I'll bring Noah next time I come okay"

"Okay" well at least I know there will be a next time.

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