Drunken Rage

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A/N for this story I'm making Liv 46 btw

"Maybe I should but it's not bad" I told myself before I finally grabbed the bottle downing it in less than 5 minutes"

"Elliot I think you need to leave I know Liv wasn't in her right mind if she let you stay here after what you did unless... did you do something to her you asshole" Tucker swings and misses. I hear a door open and I push Tucker into the door only to hear Olivia fall to the floor and Tucker is back to being unconscious on top of Olivia. I move him and pick up Olivia and her breathing is extremely unsteady and she is shaking tears are streaming down her face.

"Liv honey you okay, I swear I'll go to rehab, I'm so sorry" she doesn't stop shaking except now I hear a mumbling.

"Rape me first.... don't hurt her.... look away Amelia..... Lewis..... I'm sorry..... I'll do anything just please let me live" she's having a panic attack... fuck. I throw her over my shoulder and go down to my car and put her in my car. She hasn't stopped mumbling yet. When we get to the hospital I tell for someone to help. Someone finally takes her to a room.

"Sir we need to look at your knuckles we'll tell you when you can see her" after bandaging up my knuckles they tell me I can go see her.

"Hi Liv"

"Elliot" she still keeps her eyes on the wall.

"I'm putting myself in rehab"


"I'm so sorry I'll leave you alone and Ed. I never meant to do this" I hear her mumble something. Her eyes still never leaving the wall.

"What did you say Liv"

"They said I was pregnant" my jaw drops and her eyes start tearing up. "I could've killed it when I drank, I'm a terrible person"

"I'm so sorry I could've killed you and the baby today. Ed will be happy to know he's gonna be a father again"

"Again? What do you mean"

"You said he was Noah's father"

"Noah isn't his I'm so sorry I never said that"

"Who's is he" then I start think four years ago oh fuck. "He's Lewis's isn't he, I'm so sorry Liv"

"He's adopted Elliot and Ed and I have only been dating for about a year and a half. I was with Brian Cassidy when Lewis took me. He thought I was pregnant turns out I wasn't then I was sad he was happy. We broke up he went undercover for IAB. A little while later I became a foster mother to Noah adopted him two years ago"

"Why'd you lie to me"

"I wanted to hurt you as bad as you hurt me when you left, I'm so sorry El"

"Don't be I understand, I'm gonna go home I'll go to rehab tomorrow here call Tucker," I give her my phone"bye Liv, I love you" I mutter the last part.

As I walk out of the hospital I think about maybe becoming friends with Liv again when I come back from rehab my thoughts abruptly stop when I feel a blunt object hit the back of head.

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