No Problems...Maybe

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A/N I've noticed this story is losing interest so before I update again

"Ms. Benson is everything alright, you seem slightly depressed. I've discussed this with the other doctors and we agree that if your fiancé agrees we will send you to a treatment facility for victims of sexual assault and alcohol abuse"

"Doctor I'm sorry to say this but what are you talking about, I know I had a panic attack but it wasn't random, I had a drinking problem but now that I know I'm pregnant I would never even think about touching a drop of alcohol"

"Like I said ma'am, if your fiancé agrees then you must go"

"He isn't my medical proxy and doc this isn't the 1950s my significant other doesn't get to decide these things for me"

"Well me and the other doctors decided he would choose, miss please call him"

"Fine just get out"

"Ed hey umm can you come down, I kinda need you for something"

"Hey yeah I'll come down should I bring Noah"

"No umm this is just please come down here" my voice started cracking.

"I'll be right down okay, I love you"

"Thank you I love you too"

————An Hour later

"Hey let's talk"

"Liv I'm so sorry about earlier I was so surprised. I love you so much, I will love this baby I swear. I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he was holding my hand pressing it to his forehead crying.

"Ed it's okay but there is something else"

"What baby what is it"

"They want to send me to a facility Ed you won't let them right"

"Why do they need me I'm not your medical proxy"

"They thought it was appropriate that you decide you let them please Ed"

"Why would they send you to a facility what kind of facility"

"Sexual assault and alcohol abuse treatment center"

"I know you had that one mess up but I thought you were okay"

"When I had a panic attack it just was so overwhelming and then when you left I got upset. They thought I was depressed and then the fact I came in here with marks around my neck. I just.... please don't make me go"

"Baby I would never make you go, but maybe we should discuss pressing charges against Elliot, have you heard from him since I was here last"

"No but Ed he really needs help not the kind you get in prison. He cares about me Ed he just needs to get himself together and he needs my help"

"I understand babe"

"Hey I need to check in on the squad so will I see ya tomorrow"

"Yep I will come pick you at noon, I love you"
He kisses my forehead.

"I love you too see ya then"

"Hey Fin how is everyone holding up"

"Good but no one has seen Chester in days"

"Well track him down for me will you and try and track down Elliot too I'm worried about him"

"Hey are you okay I heard you went to the hospital"

"There was an incident with Elliot but I'm okay I have good new though"

"Tell me about that incident with Elliot after you tell me the good news"

"Umm I'm pregnant"

"So you and Tucker are having a kid wow I thought you wouldn't ever get serious. We all thought it was just a fling"

"We're engaged Fin"

"When did that happen"


"Oh god I'm so sorry baby girl I never should've said that thing about Cragen, but we need to talk about Elliot"

"He just got a little violent that's all"

"Liv that's not it"

"He strangled me okay he started screaming at me through me up against a wall and started strangling me okay"

"Oh god Liv, I'm so sorry is everyone else alright"

"He beat the shit out Ed but other than that he's okay"

"I'm so sorry baby girl, no one deserves that by someone you love"

"I don't love him"

"Even if you don't you care about him so much that you wouldn't press charges"

"How'd you know I wouldn't press charges"

"You love him even if it is t the same way you love Tucker you always will"

"Your right Fin, you are"

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