I'm Back Sorry I Mean She's Back

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     It felt so good to be back at work. Being able to sit down in my office and do paperwork was relaxing. Never thought I'd think that. I only noticed this morning when I took the ring  off I had a slight tan line where it was. I just had to hope no one noticed. Then the phone started ringing.

"Lieutenant Benson of Special Victims Unit"

"We have a victim down at Mt. Sinai Hospital"

"May I ask who is speaking"

"I think you know Olivia, so I guess your a Lieutenant now. Good for you." It was Kathy Stabler, damn.

"Oh, sorry I didn't recognize the voice hi Kathy, do you mind if we talk later maybe when I arrive at the hospital"

"Of course Liv, nice hearing from you if only it was under better circumstances. See ya soon"

Then she ended the call. I walked out of my office to see Fin sitting in his chair with a face of both anger and somethings I didn't recognize.

"You listened in to the call didn't you"

"You know I did Liv, damn after all these years we hear from Kathy and still noting from Stabler. I'm sorry Liv, Manda and I can go down instead"

"I already promised I would talk to her Fin, but could you come with me. I don't want to be alone right now"

"Of course, then maybe if we see Stabler you can give him a nice bruise with that right hook and I can kick him where no man should never be kicked. Deal" He had this shit eating grin on his face and I broke out into laughter and agreed.

At the Hospital
Kathy calls Elliot.

"You'll never guess who I just heard from"

"Kathy why are you even calling me we're divorced for a reason"

"I just thought you ought to know I talked to your ex-office wife"

"You talked to Olivia, oh, thank god she's okay. Wait, how'd you two get in touch"

"I have a victim, she answered the phone. Did you know she's a Lieutenant now"

"Wow, umm okay. Do you think you can ask her, what her favorite bar is in town. Maybe I could meet her"

"Elliot I'm sorry but I don't think she'd be happy to see you. I'll ask though. Oh she's here, bye"

"Bye Kath"

I'm sorry if I said the wrong hospital for where Kathy works. If you know where plz tell me :) hope you enjoyed but tell me what did you think

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