The Best Kind Of Rage

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A/N check out my new story :) it's based on rape interrupted but has some character changes

I'm so glad to be back in my own apartment is my first though Ed told me he'd take care of Noah and I could get some sleep. I thank him quickly press a kiss to Noah's head and go to my room. Then I hear yelling and a crash I leave the comfort of my room to see a screaming Elliot on top of Ed beating the shit out of him.

"Elliot stop just stop"I scream he turns around and I see the look in his eyes that tells me he had way too many at a bar tonight.

"You have to be with me Liv this fucking piece of shit is keeping you from me grab your kid and let's go"

"No Elliot I love Ed okay I love you always have but I can't do this with you anymore so just get the fuck out" I scream and he lunges at me holding me against the wall his hands wrapped around my throat. I claw at his hands as oxygen escapes me.

"You can't leave me I love you Liv"

"Elliot... I.... Air ...... Please" he quickly releases me and I fall to floor clutching my throat.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry how fuck. Liv I don't know what happened oh god" he helps me stand up and takes me to the couch. He repeats himself saying sorry over and over. He goes to the kitchen grabs a first aid kit some honey from the cupboard and some ice wrapped in a towel.

"Here eat some honey it'll help with the soar throat and put the ice on your neck it'll lessen the bruises and keep swelling down I'll patch up Tucker aswell as I can I'm so sorry Liv" he puts his hand on my back and I flinch and back away.

"God Liv I don't even know I never thought I could do something like this to someone I love. Look I'll stay till Tucker wakes up and then I'll apologize and leave"

"Leave now" I say my raspy voice barely audible.

"No Liv I need to make this right okay" he screams and I fall off the couch and start shaking.

"God fuck I'm sorry look I'm gonna leave the moment I apologize to Tucker okay. I swear I just want to make this right you go take care of your son I'll patch him up he just might be sore as hell when he gets up" I go into Noah's room and softly cry holding him.

"Okay mama" he says looking into my wet eyes.

"It's okay baby"

With Elliot

Once I patched him up I look for a garbage bag to put all the bandaid wrappers in until I come across an untouched whiskey bottle.....

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