Oh Fuck....

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Olivia's Hospital Room

"I'm so sorry Captain Tucker but your fiancé suffered slight brain trauma during her seizure. Her skull nearly cracked from the impact when she first started having a seizure. We asked her questions a few hours ago. I'm sorry but she's suffering from retrograde amnesia. She thinks it's 2013" Dr. Martin explained. Tucker broke down at hearing these words.

"What caused the seizure" Tucker whispered.

"Stress, her body was still recovering from expelling the alcohol"

"What caused her to get stressed she was fine when I left"

"When my nurses came in they said a man just left, blue eyes balding"

"That fucker, God I can't believe this. He gets what he wants"


"I knew you would be here you asshole" Tucker screamed at Elliot from across the bar. Elliot however was not alone the whole squad was with him.

"Tucker leave before I arrest you for assaulting Liv" Fin said.

"She got amnesia from a fucking seizure she suffered which was caused by stress. Nurses had to escort FUCKING STABLER out of her room when she went into the seizure. Also I never fucking hit Liv. If any of you bothered to listen you would know that she went to fucking hit me and I grabbed her wrist. I didn't mean to hurt her. I wanted to leave I couldn't stand that thought that I hurt her she convinced me to stay. She thinks it's 2013 she will still hate me she will... she won't remember how scars got onto her body. She'll think you never left her. You get a new start while I...... fuck Noah. What will I do with Noah" and he broke down. Carisi and Lake helped into the chair as he sobbed into his hands.

"The moment she remembers Lewis she's gonna be traumatized all over again. What the fuck have you done Elliot" Fin whispered.

"Maybe she won't ever remember. Maybe she will just have me in her life and will forget about the past 6 years"

"You got what you wanted Stabler. But she lost what she loved her son. Have a nice fucking life but don't think I won't try and help her remember her son" Ed got up and walked out of the bar and took a cab to the hospital.

"I'm gonna go see Liv. Fin you want to come with me"



"I'm so sorry Liv. I never meant to hurt you"

"Tucker" I said my throat burning, why the fuck was he here.

"God, thank god your okay. Oh shit you have no clue why I'm here do you Liv. Umm God how do I explain this. You probably don't even trust me. Maybe Fin can explain. I know Elliot won't. I just want to say this no matter what happens I will always love you and Noah with all my heart and I promise you I will never go back to IAB"

"Bye Tucker" The moment I looked at his face heard his words I remembered all of it. But what he just said made me realize I could love no one as much as him. I hate not telling him but I need to find out who my friends are God I'm evil.

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