Plans and Discussions

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"Hey Kathy hope I didn't interrupt a phone call."

"Oh no your fine, it's great to see you, you haven't aged a day and hello Fin"

"Hi Kathy which room is the victim in I can go talk to her while you two chat"

"She's in room 312, right down there" Kathy points out.

"Thanks, nice to see you Kathy"

"You as well Fin, so Olivia how have you been"

"Umm assuming you watch the news I'm better than I was during that, I have a family"

"Oh yeah I saw that, I'm sorry and I'm glad the squads become a family to you. I'm also sorry Elliot left"

"Don't be sorry for anything so do you know how Elliot is"I say a small smile on my face even though beneath I hope she isn't gonna say he ate his gun.

"He's okay got a job sees the kids every once and awhile but he gets Eli every other week, we got divorced"

"I'm so sorry I didn't know Kathy" how did he not come to me during this.

"Maybe we could talk some time over drinks, what's your favorite bar in town" odd question but eh Kathy's always odd.

"I umm I probably shouldn't drink, I had a problem not to long ago but one drink couldn't hurt, when would you want to get together" I really shouldn't drink but even Ed says every once in a while isn't bad.

"You pick time and place"

"How 'bout Melonis at 10 next Thursday"

"Sounds great, now go do your job I gotta do mine too" she say with a small smile.

Kathy texts Elliot she's coming over later.

Elliot's House

"Hey Elliot umm I got what you asked for but I need you to do something for me"

"What Kathy"

"Don't let her drink too much when I asked her she said she had a problem a while back"

"I won't Kath thanks for telling me now when and where"

"Melonis at 10 next Thursday"

"Thanks Kathy I appreciate it"

As she's walking out the door she turns around and looks at him "Don't fuck this up Elliot she's gone through shit you don't know about. When you stopped watching the news her face was practically broadcasted on it. Just remember she's had it hard so go easy on her. Please, bye Elliot"

"Bye Kathy" "what the hells is she talking about" Elliot thought.

At Tucksons Apartment
"How was your day babe"

"I saw Kathy Stabler so not the best, I agreed to meet her next Thursday at Melonis. Before you say it I'm only gonna have one drink"

"I'm sorry Liv"

"Seeing her made me think what I would do if I saw him again, it fucked with me"

"What would you do if you saw him again"

"I'd fuck with him and make him feel guilty then about after a week of that try to understand what I did to make him hate me"

"Livy he doesn't hate you, and what do you mean by fuck with him make him feel guilty"

"Lie my ass off. Tell him every little detail about what I've gone through then enhance it make it sound worse then what it was. Then I'd tell him your Noah's biological father and he's my biological son. That would kill him inside. I know we're not his biological parents but I feel like we are. I'd keep that up for about a week then tell him the truth. Let him tell me what I did to make him leave"

"Look at me, you did absolutely nothing to make him do that. He was a coward. You Olivia Margaret Benson are the strongest and most lovable person I have ever met. Don't you dare forget that"His voice warm and kind, his eyes are full of love. I gave him a quick peck then...

"Hi mommy"
"Hi my sweet boy, come here sit between me and Daddy"
"Okay, hi Daddy"
"Hi little guy, you know your Mommy and I love you, how much"
"From the sun to Mars and back. What's Mars daddy"
"I'll explain that later buddy"

A little Tuckson family moment at the end what did you think about Liv's thought on Elliot's return and Elliot's about what happened to Liv. Any grammar mistakes? If so sorry wrote this at 3 am so yep. Hope you enjoyed! Also just so you know in the story the day is Wednesday so next chapter I'm gonna go forward to next Wednesday. I am writing the chapter should be up soon.

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