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His lessons.

I listen.

Not Really.

Okay maybe.

I understand.

Good teachings.

"People." My father started writing each letter in bold. I mentally rolled my eyes because I knew that everything he taught had something to do with my life, even if he didn't mean for it to be. He was going to teach us another one of our life lessons.

"What do people have to do with history?" Zay interrupted. He never really got the whole idea about my father teaching us lessons that applied to our daily lives. It was hard to explain it to him, how my father knew anything and everything that happened in the halls. Part of me always believed that he told my father everything. Zay was a sucker for anything that involved drama or cat fights.

"Many things, Mr. Babineaux. In life you will encounter many people of various race, ethnicities, religions, personalities, characteristics, and more. The people in your life will effect the outcome of your time on earth. I want to teach you what it means to have good people in your life." My father exclaimed.

"No offense, Mr. Matthews, but how do you think that teaching us about people will effect the outcome of our life?" A boy from the back of the class spoke up.

"Don't you think that maybe if Hitler had a good influence growing up that he wouldn't have grown up and make such catastrophic choices?" My father asked. Most of the people in our class shook their heads no which caused my father to sigh.

"I think that Hitler would have turned out the way he did, no matter who he hung around with." Lucas said. I turned to him and saw the thoughts running through his mind. I guess that I was staring too long because Maya lightly pulled on the back of my hair and cleared her throat. I moved my head to find my father trying to come up with a reason that would make complete sense to the rest of us.

"Of course we wont know for sure but don't you think that your friends effect who you become? Mr. Friar, sometimes the people that you have in your life do effect you in many ways which is why it is important to find good friends." My father took a step closer to all of us. He stopped in front of Lucas's desk and tapped his fingers on the top of it. Many nods were shared across the room so my father continued.

"I want you to make sure that you never let your friends go. The people in your life will dictate you as a whole. Don't let petty arguments and soon to be failed romantic relationships come in between a beautiful friendship. It's high school, friendships are the most vulnerable in this stage of your life. Hold on to your friends and never let them go, class dismissed." My father concluded as we all slowly got up.

I got out of the classroom first anxious to get out of the claustrophobic class. I shoved myself out of the doors and waited for my group of friends. Lucas tried to pull me aside but I completely ignored him. I walked ahead trying to avoid anything that my friends would have to say. I love them, but I did not want to hear anything from them right now.

Farkle ended up catching up to me leaving the other four behind. Smackle looked a little hurt but I brushed it off. We got caught in the middle of a crowd of people which was the perfect distraction for us.

He pulled me in the next classroom which thankfully was unoccupied. I did not want another rumor passing through the school hallways about Farkle and I being more than just platonic friends.

"Please font tell me that your fathers lesson was just a coincidence." Farkle laughed awkwardly. I ran my hand through my hair, a nervous habit of mines.

"I didn't tell him anything, I swear, Zay must have just got to him first." I said trying to convince myself that it was true.

"Didn't you come to school with your dad this morning?" Farkle asked. I suddenly started to realize what he was getting at.

"Yeah, so I guess that Zay couldn't have gotten to my dad." I admitted. I wanted to believe that my dad did not know about anything but I could not bring myself to convince myself that it could be true.

It suddenly came to my realization that my father could have heard rumors throughout the halls. Then this morning when I would not confide in him he decided to give me some of his advice when I was forced to listen to him. Either that or it was just a complete coincidence that he would teach something that applied to my life, yet again.

Having him as my teacher is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand I knew that I would never be alone. I could always go to my father for anything at anytime during the day. Of course he had his downsides, this situation is a perfect example.

It is hard for me to keep anything from him. He always knows everything going on in my life by the whispers going around school. People think that they whisper soft, but in reality they might as well scream the secrets out to everyone in the halls.

Another downside was the fact that he would listen to any drama or any story from anyone, especially the noes that related to me. Zay was a big contributor to my fathers drama source which was why it was hard for me to tell Zay anything.

"What are you guys doing in here?" A voice behind me asked. I realized that voice immediately. I turned around slowly and unwillingly as I met my eyes to his eyes.

"Nothing, Lucas, nothing." I heard Farkle walk outside of the other door and lock it behind me so that I was forced to talk to Lucas. I tried to get past Lucas but he only blocked me, but the perks of being muscularly built.

"Things cant go on like this anymore." He said. He was right, things couldn't just keep going on like this. We had to fix what is currently broken.

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