twenty two//riley

946 31 37

Caught on.

Not happy.

Someone else.

Please care.

I care.

I'm happy.

I was more interested in the plate of muffins in front of me rather than the boy sitting next to me. I think that Dave caught on when I didn't jump at the pop scare moments during the movie or hid into his shoulder at the blood gushing from the dead corpse on the scree.

I think that Dave thought that by us watching a scary movie- which he knew I hated terribly because of the scares- would some how bring us closer.

Dave reached for the remote and paused the movie. "What's wrong, baby girl?" He asked.

When I neglected to answer him, he continued. "I saw you looking at Lucas today and I know that I could be reaching but I swear you talk to him more than you talk to me."

I poked around at my food a little more trying to avoid his question.

"What's wrong, princess? Tell me what's troubling you." Dave reached out and rubbed my thumb.

"Nothing. I've been very distant lately and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you in the dark like that." I bit down hard on my bottom lip and cracked forced a smile.

Dave nodded. "It just seems like you've been totally spaced out lately and I know that I shouldn't be jealous but you talk to Lucas more than you talk to me."

"Will you please stop saying that?" I shoved Dave's hand off of mines and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Why, because it's true?"

"Dave!" I yelled. "Lucas is a friend. Why can't I talk to him?"

"When you talk to someone else more then you talk to me, it becomes a problem."

"If I talked more to Maya, would this be a problem?" I slammed my fists down onto the counter. My hands felt like they were on fire but I shook them and the pain eventually faded into turning numb.

Dave threw my blanket onto the floor and threw his hands up. "What do you want me to think? Do you really think that I can trust you with someone that you have a history with"

"Oh, so now you can't trust me? We've been dating for less than a month and you have already conjured up how you think of me." I yelled even louder.

"But that's the thing! You haven't told me anything to change my mind." Dave grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.

"You can't leave, this is your house! This isn't over! You cannot just walk out on me." My voice got softer.

"I'm done, Riley. I'm just done." Dave walked over to the door and slammed the door shut.

I paced around his house before I heard keys jingling outside. I raced to Dave's bedroom and climbed out of his window.

There was a hint of rain outside but nothing that was too heavy. I looked around the block and noticed that I wasn't too far away from Lucas's house. I knew that his house wasn't the best place to run off to considering that I was just trying to convince Dave that there was nothing going on between us.

I walked down the street as the ran started to pour down a little harder. Once I finally reached his house, I ended up standing outside lingering around his front porch. I heard footsteps from a couple feet away from me and I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Did you want to come outside or did you just want to stay out here?" Lucas chuckled as he spun me around.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I want anymore." I looked down. I tried to turn to leave  but I only got to his front steps until he stopped me.

The rain drizzled down on us. I circled around and twirled the ends of my hair.

"What happened?" Lucas asked. I couldn't complain about my problems with someone who was already going through so much so stayed silent.

"It doesn't matter. You have to much going on to hear about my silly little problems." I looked down once again as Lucas tucked a piece of hair behind my head.

"Don't treat me like some charity case because of all the stuff with my mom. You said that you wanted to be there for me. I want to be there for you, even if it means that I have to hear about your boyfriend." Lucas smiled.

"Well that's the thing, I don't really think that I have a boyfriend anymore." I sighed. I was never really into Dave but it did make me kind of sad that I couldn't fall in love with him or try and make things work out.

"You think?" Lucas questioned.

"Yeah, we had some big fight and then he left and said that he was done with things. He never technically said that we were done but it felt like we were done, you know? I just really need to forget about him. I need someone or something to take my mind off of him, you know?" I rambled on.

"You really liked him that much that you need someone to take your mind off of him?" Lucas doubted.

"No," I laughed, "It just seemed like the appropriate thing to say after having a break up with someone. I never really liked him but I needed someone to take my mind off of..." My voice faded off into silence.

"Me? You needed someone to take your mind off of me?" Lucas smirked, "So let me see if I understand all of this, you dated Dave to get your mind off of me because you wanted to forget me and now you need someone to get your mind off of Dave even though you never really liked him. You are one complicated girl.

"Indeed I am." I smiled. It was a real smile this time, it was nothing that needed to be forced.

"It's a good thing I like them complicated." Lucas snickered.

"Do you think that there is someone who is qualified enough to take my mind off the boy I didn't like?" I giggled.

Lucas took a step closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The rain started to pour down our faces. It was strange that it was raining during this tie of the year but always had a thing for rain and romance. I always found them the most romantic to read in romance novels.

I ran my hands through his hair and wiped a few droplets off of his lips. "Never mind, I think that I found someone that qualifies."

"And would who that be?" Lucas pulled me closer. I could feel the warmth of him clouding my cold and wet body.

I pressed my forehead up against his. "Just kiss me." I whispered. And well, that's exactly what he did.

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