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maybe if

we could

understand why

we could

be together

Although the nicknames never really seemed to die down they still existed. There would always be those rude and troublemaker kids who refused to let the names die. They would always call me those names while walking down the hallway or they would write it on the whiteboard of my next class.

The worst that they ever did was post about me on social media. One day I plan on attending collage and if by any chance the admissions board saw those posts about me, they may not necessarily want me to attend their collage.

Out of all of my teachers, Mr. Matthews seemed the most concerned about me. It was actually really strange that he gave a damn about me overall. I was the kid who broke his heart yet he brought me coffee and donuts every morning. Maybe it was because he knew that at home I would never get stuff like donuts and coffee in the morning. Maybe he really did know what it felt like to grow up just a little too fast.

I was walking home at a steady yet slow pace not wanting to get home but knowing that my mother and father needed me to go and pick up my brother. It was days like these which made it extremely hard to do anything. I didn't really have anyone by my side because of my choices. I guess that one choice really can shake up your life.

Thirty minutes later I reaching my brothers school. He was waiting on the bench like he usually did while he waited for me to come and pick me up. He was eating the other half of his apple from breakfast this morning. I pulled out my granola bar that was going to be my breakfast up until the point that Mr. Matthews came through the door with fresh food.

He grabbed onto my hand as we started walking. It only took us ten minutes to walk home but lately we would stop and Parker would get to look at the toys through the toy stores window. Occasionally they would come out and give Parker an extra toy that they got from their latest shipment. Lucky for Parker, they got a lot of extra toys this delivery round.

"Lucky's Toy Store: Let A Kids Dream Come True," was a sign that I would never get sick of seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Lucky were a sweet old couple that I had known since my childhood. They were there for me when my mother and father couldn't be. I don't know if it was a coincidence that they got a lot of extra toys leftover form their latest shipment considering that this moth was one of those months that my parents wouldn't really be around much.

Parker ran up to the old couple and hugged them as hard as he could. For a six year old, it was pretty hard. Mrs. Lucky pretended like he was the big and strong beast who hugged her so hard that she could feel his love for her. After chatting for a little while I decided to take Parker home. If my parents were at home I didn't want to freak them out by us not coming home when we usually do.

"Lukey, do you want me to take the bus home from now on?" Parker asked suddenly. His skipping came to a stop as he tugged on my hand. At first I pretended to ignore his question and act like I didn't hear it but after a few minutes of nagging me to answer I finally did.

I shook my head. "I love walking home with you, Parker. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

He started pulling me along obviously wanting to get home. "But it would give you more time to spend with that girl."

I laughed into the air. "What girl? Maya?"

This time it was Parker shaking his head. "No, the brunette girl that came to the door yesterday. It was when the babysitter was over and you along with mom and dad rushed out the door. She was asking for you but I told her that you weren't home. She said that I was addddooorraabbllleeee and that she would come back over the weekend to talk to you."

I could feel the red rushing to my cheeks. "Parkey, there is no girl. She's just a friend."

"Whatever you say." He hummed. It was hard not to love the kid. It was times like these that made me appreciate having a little sibling, no matter how irritating and painful he could be.

We finally reached our home. As much as I wanted my parents to be home, they weren't. I pretty much expected it. Parker on the other hand was just getting use to them being home so he was shocked that they weren't here.

"Wheres mom and dad?" He asked. I shrugged and walked over to the note that was on the kitchen table.

Dear Lucas,
Mom and I are back at it again. We will try and be home as soon as possible. I left whatever
money I had in the cookie jar. I will be home during the day bringing clothes to wash and dry. I will be doing whatever jobs possible trying to ring in a much money as possible to support you and your brother. Please take care of him while we are gone.

Love you with all my heart,

"Mom's sick again, isn't she?" He whispered. Before turning around I tried to put on the most convincing smile that I knew.

I sat down on the recliner and turned the television on. Parker climbed up on my lap still wanting an answer.

"Yes." I huffed.

A tear slipped from Parker's face. It broke my heart every time I told him. It was like an endless cycle of my mom getting better and then getting sick. It was an endless cycle of telling my brother hat his mom and dad would no longer be tucking him in at night.

"Her cancer is back?" He questioned.

I slumped back into the chair trying to get comfortable. "She will fight her hardest, she always does." Parker nodded and tried to fixate his attention to whatever show was on. I on the other hand, couldn't seem to focus on anything but the fact that this could be my mothers final weeks, maybe even days.

best friends loverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें