Chapter Three

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~ Y O U ~

Wait... What?

"You think...?" I looked down at my arms. I was on the verge of tears.

No one has ever called Me that in years. Ever since my mom died...

S: "Yes, I think you're Beautiful." I smiled to myself.

"Is there a bathroom here?" I looked up at Sans who shook his head.

S: "Nope. Not That I know of." I nodded and sighed. I pulled out my phone, pressing on the camera button and making it face me.

What does he see?

No one else saw it?

What is it that he likes about my face?

Why is this so confusing...

S: "Something Stumping ya kid?" I shook me head and continued to eat my food.
Trying not eat fast is hard.

Especially when someone only feeds you once in three weeks. And they only keep you around to see you suffer...

He nodded as Grillby came back out with the Ketchup for Sans. I watched Sans in Awe as he drank the whole thing down quick... I smiled slightly before going back to my food. I went into my own mind.

Why... Why does this always happen.

Whenever I think for this long memories come up...


"Get up you Fat Ass!" I shakily stood up. I wasn't. Fed in so long... I have endless cuts and bruises on my body.

"Clean YOU'RE mess up! NOW!" He slammed his hand on the table and pointed at his mess.

"Y-Yes Sir..."

"DON'T TALK BACK, JUST GET TO WORK!" I got on my knees and cleaned up the glass from his beer bottle, by hand... I now had additional cuts and scars on my hand.

"It's your fault that She died. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!"Anger bubbled up inside me.

"OH WHAT! IT'S MY FUCKING FAULT THAT YOU KILLED HER. WITH YOUR OUR FUCKING BARE HANDS?!" I put my hand over my mouth in fear. He stared at me and smiled creepily.

"What did I say?" He stood up, making me shrink back in fear. He got me cornered as I looked into his dark, dull, eyes as his smile got brighter.

"DON'T TALK BACK!" He slapped me across my face and punched me in the gut.

I let tears roll down my face as he choked me. I tried kicking him. No avail.

I don't want to die this way.

I was about to pass out until he let go. But he still wasn't down. He kicked me in the gut making me cough up blood.

"Clean this up."

*End Of Flashback*

"No..." I stared at the wood of the bar in fear.

S: "Hey Kid Are you alright?" I gave him a quick smile without making eye contact and nodded.

S: "You don't talk much."

"I have my reasons."

S: "Okay. I'll give you your Space." After him telling a few more Puns, he tells Grillby to put it on his tab.

S: "So I bought you dinner."
I smiled and shook my head.

"It's lunch. It's not even dark yet." He shrugged.

S: "Still, will you go to my house now?" I nodded and he smiled he grabbed my hand again and swung it while walking me to his house. He talked mostly on the way, occasionally telling puns.

S: "Welp Here it is. Our house isn't big, but I hope it's cozy enough for you." I nodded.

"I bet it's wonderful." He smiled and knocked on the door.

?: "Brother You're FINALLY HERE! Frisk was star- Sans... Is that another Human..." Sans chuckled and Nodded.

P: "Hello Human! I, am the GREAT Papyrus!" He smiled and posed. I laughed slightly and smiled.

"Names Y- Blake." I bit my lip slightly as I saw Sans give me a weird look.

I saw a small figure grabbing Papyrus' Legs. They Smiled when I looked at them. I smiled back. They then started to speak in sign language.

"Hey Blake! My names Frisk. I haven't seen another Human in a long time." I smiled at them more and replied back in sign language.

"Nice to meet ya. But to keep it between you and me, the names Y/N." Their eyes glisened as they gave me a thumbs up.

"Nice name." I shrugged and put my hand in my pocket while smiling and then looking at Sans, who was confused.

S: "You know what their saying?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well duh." He smiled.

S: "They hasn't been able to meet anyone that knows how to do that except for you. I know a few parts, but not enough. They always communicates threw a board we have." I nodded and sighed.

P: "WOWIE. Please come in you two!" He stepped aside allowing Us to get through.

I bowed to the side and said: "Ladies first." He chuckled and tried his best female voice.

S: "Why thank you, you're such a gentleman." He blushed slightly and I laughed.

"That was the worst! Hahaha!" He rolled his 'eyes' and smiled.

S: "You didn't even try!" I stuck my tongue out and smirked. His permanent smile widened and he shook his head.

P: "Human! I, The Great Papyrus, Would like to know more about you!"

"But I'm not an interesting person, really..." I put my hand on the back of my neck and sighed.

P: "Nonsense! There has to be something. But Of course no one is cooler than Me!" I smiled slightly and Looked at Frisk nervously. They grinned and shrugged.

"Thats right. I'll never be as cool as you." I smiled and he patted my shoulder. I jumped at the physical contact.

P: "Yes of course no one is! Dont be so down on yourself human!" I laughed slightly and looked at Frisky who was pulling my pant leg.

"Can we hang out? I'd like to know more about you since so know you're hiding something. I could maybe show you my friend!" I grinned and nodded. Their smile widened.

"Okay. Well I'll see you guys later, Frisk wants to show me what's around here." Sans Nodded.

P: "Okay. Bye!" I was going to say bye back but Frisk dragged me out of the house.

"Okay...What do you want to know?"


"Pain is the only thing that makes me feel alive."

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