Authors Note

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Yo Yo wassup

So I haven't updated this story in a hella long time,
and im debating if I should delete this story,
make a last troll chapter summing up their lives, etc,
Or possibly keep going?

  Im mean cause shit man, I haven't updated since 2016, and its fucking 2017.
So im not that big into Undertale, really, at all?
I can keep updating it, but I feel like since im really not that into it it'll kinda go downhill?
Or just suck dick, y'know?

  Plus I've changed so much, so this mostly depression based story would mosy likely go full in angst, fluff, or full on mofo boring. ╮(╯_╰)╭

  If anyone see this or is still reading this gimme some answers in the comments?

Thanks for hearing me out.
Peace Peace


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