Chapter Nineteen

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- S A N S -

I Sighed and walked around. Where?
I was walking to my thinking place until I heard singing. I peeked around to see Y/N sitting on the ground with her uniform still on.

I listened closely as she sang.

"I wonder what my mom and dad would say...
If I told them that I cry each day...
It's hard enough to live so far away...
I wish I wasn't always cold...
I wish I wasn't always alone...
When the party is over...
How will I get home?"
I stared and sat down as she kept singing.

It was...
Angelic Almost...

But what happened last night, must've really hurt her...

Why do you care Sans?
You apparently 'like' Bri...
Not her...

I sighed and stood up, knowing I should think somewhere else.

~ Y O U ~
When I finished the song I sighed. And then I started to think again...

I shouldn't fight over a boy, It's childish...

But I want to fight her so badly...

Don't fight... He'll break up with her...

He doesn't actually like her right?

If she want to fight us, then we'll fight.
But since she hasn't done anything yet, we wait.
She's the one being childish, so let her be.

I'll do that...
But I'll break in the process...

We know...
We know...

I sighed as I stood up and brushed off my pants. And set my adventure to home.

~ S A N S ~
I sighed as I found a new spot.

Maybe I should ignore her...
Like we never met.

Is that a smart choice?

Maybe then Grillby wouldn't be on my back all the time...
Maybe then I could focus on my new... Girlfriend...

Which you don't love.

But I will grow to love her...

There you go Sans...
Pretend like you haven't met her, and focus on Whore- Bri...

- Y O U -

Maybe I could just ignore Sans...
So that...
This pain can end...

It won't you know that...

I know but...
Covering up the pain is the best option for now...

I sighed as I put my hands into the pockets of my pants. And sighed.
My shoulders were stiff as I held my breath.
Once I let the breath go my shoulders relaxed and I looked up.

One day when Frisk and I beat Asgore... Will I go back?

I know I hate him...
But maybe I can help him...
Maybe I can make a better living for him...
I almost want to him...

Even after all he did to me...
I know it must've been something...
He really is just insane.

I sighed and let my head hang low and I stared at the ground and sighed.

Helping him is the right choice...

"Fuck it's cold." I crossed my arms in attempt to warm myself up, but of course no warmth made.

I started to fast walk through Snowdin as my legs started to go numb.
Gladly I got home before I got frostbite.

I opened the front door and closed the door behind me as I walked around.

It was so fucking dark, except for the Fireplace. I walked over to the fire place and thought if something.

Well if everyone is sleeping... Then maybe... Just maybe I could somehow make s'mores?

I walking into the kitchen and turned on the light, hoping no one would see it.

I looked around in the Pantry, cabinets AND OH BOY AM I EXCITED.

Well... The monster version BUT THATS NOT THE POINT.

I started to jumped up and down as quiet as I could and got something to hold the marshmallow. I put a piece of chocolate in my mouth and giggled.

G: "Y/N? What are you doing?" I whipped my head and looked at him. I quickly ate the chocolate and just stared. He came closer to me and I ran to the Fireplace. He pushed up his glasses sand sighed.

G: "What are you going to do with those..." I gestured him to come closer, and he did. I handed him the metal holder for the Marshmallow.

I put the marshmallow on the end and he looked at me confusingly. I pointed to the stick, and the Fireplace.

"Put the Marshmallow over the fire." He did as he was told.

I kept checking the marshmallow until it was a nice golden brown. I grabbed the crackers and the chocolate.

"Pull out the Marshmallow and put it on here." He did that and I put the other half in top.

"Eat it." He gave me a weird look. I chucked and shook the smore slightly. He took it and took his first bite.

G: "Oh wow..." He shoved the whole thing in his mouth and I chuckled.

"Well?" He nodded and gave me a thumbs up.
I smiled and made myself one too.

G: "So tomorrow is break day... Okay?" I nodded and continued to eat the s'more.

That whole night we talk and laughed about the most random things.
I made me forget all my worries.
He reminds me of my mother...
But I'm glad to call him my new father...
I seriously don't know what I'd do without him...

Well other than be dead.

Eventually we passed out on the couch, and floor at Five in the morning.


Its all an Act...
You know that Y/N...

But I've never been so happy...
I haven't felt happiness in so long.

But you know it'll end...

I know but can't I enjoy this now?

Because it'll end pretty soon.
It's an act.
They'll turn against you in a quick second.
You know that...

Maybe their different!

Your so blind...
They're all the same.
All like the last...
Everyone comes, goes, or if we're lucky...
No one comes...
No one goes...
No one sees us...

We're part of the Croud...

No they won't do that...
They won't!


You see that...
You're breaking...
You know it's true...
But you deny every word of it...

We aren't normal and you know that.
Our soul...
Isn't red and filled with glee.

It half cracked, and grey.
It's filled with gloom and sadness.
Every time you deny something you know is true...
The cracks grow bigger.

You don't have much determination...
Your driven by your mind...

You want to Die On one side...
But the other wants to see what will happen...

But you know what will happen...

They will leave you...


"I'm tired of fighting...
I want to be fought for..."

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