Chapter Twenty-Two

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~ Y O U ~
I sighed as I brought pajamas with me to the bathroom.

Is it worth getting heartbroken during this process?

Is it really worth that?

C'Mon now...
We all know its not worth it.

- S A N S -

I heard talking on the other side of the wall. I pressed my head and heard...
My 'Girlfriend'
Was her name?

"Hahaha. Yeah Hannah is such a bitch, I'm just glad I took her little crush before she could confess."

"Who did she have a crush on?"



"I know right. But he's weirdly charming in a way."

"I took Sans from Y/N." I heard another set of giggling.

"Do you actually like him?"

"Of course not! He's too short for me."

How the fuck...

Anger bubbled inside of me.
Why did she act so excited when I asked her out?

Fuck... At this point I wish that. I Didn't do whatever I did...

Because I know that Y/N purely liked me...
And this bitch is just using me to see her suffer...

But I made her suffer too didn't I...

~ Y O U ~

I sighed as I heard the most annoying laughter ever down the hall.

H; "They're annoying aren't they.* I jumped slightly, forgetting that Hannah was there. She smiled at me all I did was nod In response.

H: "So I assume that other girl took Sans from you? I mean Sans would be pissed if he heard that loud ass conversation they has.
God damn I swear there like the Mexican side of my family.
Loud, and annoying." I chuckled a bit and raised a brow, showing that didn't know what she ment for the conversation.

H; "The girls were talking about there Boyfriends, so uh...
Bitch face said that she didn't like Sans, and then said he was too short.
She literally is like...
One fucking inch taller than him.
And how that fuck does that make sense. Its like saying
'Oh I don't like my dog that I took care of and paid so much money for, because its just too fucking short.'
Get it?"
I chuckled and smiled.

H: "Y'know I never usually treat people like this, or talk about people much, but just after all the years of suffering, I can just finally defend myself and not get In fucking trouble.
Adulthood is amazing, but it's also annoying.
You still meet those people that act like there in Fucking middle school.
Still trying to act like they're better than everyone, and intentionally starting not needed drama.
Because apparently they're the shit and no one is better than them.
I swear high schoolers are more mature then them."
She sighed and leaned against the door frame.

H: "And don't get me started on their makeup HOLY HELL.
Its so fucking bad.
And they wonder why they still get acne. They don't fucking clean their faces.
It literally looks like a five year old just got into their mothers makeup.
Just... Bright and horrible.
Its like they never take it off to, because if you look close enough its like you can see the layers and layers of powder on their faces.
Its literally seeping into there pores.
It's so gross.
Its so bad too.
Damn Man, one if these night I just might splash them with cold water and see if there makeup comes off in masks." I gagged a bit as she tried to keep a straight face.

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