Chapter Eleven

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~ Y O U ~
When the song ended I opened my eyes. Something was bothering me. Not the song but the fact that he still did not answer my question.

"So what's your answer?"

S: "For what?"

"Are we going to Grillbys or not?" He shrugged.

S: "As In what, A Date?" He wiggled his eyebrows making me chuckle in response.

"Whatever you want.......babe." I smiled widely and choked down my laughter as his face turned blue. He put his hood on and sunk into his jacket.

"So what's the answer?~"
I heard him mutter something, that I couldn't understand.

"Pardon?" I heard him sigh and closed his eyes.

S: "D-Date??" He sunk back into his jacket again. I blushed lightly and nodded.

"Well then, what do you want to do before we go?"

S: "May I...Show you something?" I nodded as he grabbed my hand, After that I just saw a blue aura surround us and then...
We were at the WaterFalls.

S: "I don't know if you ever Sat down and looked at the stars... Or just sat down and listened to the water fall, but I just wanted to do that...With you..." I smiled at him and nodded.

He took me somewhere that was pretty Isolated, but it was beautiful.

"How do you guys get the water to glow? How did you guys even get stars?" He shrugged and did Jazz Hands.

S: "Magic~" I shook my head and smiled.

We both sat down and used our hands for balance.

"So right now, you would sit here and think. Right? So this is your thinking place?" He nodded.

I then layed down and sighed.

"This place could be a good nap place too." He chuckled and layed next to me.

S: "I've Always wanted to try and sleep here, but I usually fall asleep beforehand." I giggled and looked at the stars they had to offer.

It fell into peace and quiet. A very calming quiet...

I just thought.
About of course, Pretty horrible stuff.

What if Sans doesn't actually like me?

What if my whole life is just my eyes playing tricks on me?

Do they think I'm stupid for crying?

I bet they think I'm a mistake too, and their just giving me pity attention.


I sighed as I heard soft snoring next to me. I looked over to see Sans sleeping.

He's so calm...

That's enough thinking for today...

I stood up and looked down at Sans.

Carry him...
Or leave him...


I picked him up bridal style and started walking back home.

He was surprisingly light, since he's made of bones.
I looked at his face and smiled.

My God-

Mine too

Shut up.
Is it weird if I say that I may like a skeleton...
A pun loving, lazy, cute-



I kept walking until snow hit my body, and I shivered a bit. I then swung Sans gently over my shoulder and sighed.

I swear if anyone tries to take him from me I will fight them. I won't go Yandere, because I don't want Sans to be scared of me. But if his heart is already taken by the other person then I'll just wait...

And maybe cry but that doesn't matter...

Anyways let's focus on getting home...
No emotional breakdowns right now Y/N...
All you have to do is get home...
That's all...


Don't do it...

I took a deep breath trying to keep the tears in my eyes.
Some slipped out.

You did it.

You failed Y/N...

Why am I so Broken?!

I felt my grip on Sans slipping, but I quickly tightened it.

Maybe I could go to Grillbys just for a small drink...

I wiped my tears and quickly out my hand back to hold Sans legs. I walked into Grillbys and Sat Sans on the stool. Grillby came up to me as my hand were shaking.

G: "What could so get you today Y/N?" I looked at him and sat up.

"Um do you maybe have a drink I can wash my sadness down in? And if you want to know I'm old enough for a Beer or Something...I really don't care what it is. I need something. Please?" He nodded and looked at Sans.

"He's sleeping, but if he wakes up just bring some Ketchup." He nodded again and went to the back. I looked at Sans and Slouched over.

What are you doing to me man...

Grillby set a drink in front of me. It was a tall glass of Beer no Idea what kind... But I didn't care. I took a sip and forced it down.

It was weird...
Kinda stung when it went down my throat, but I still kept drinking it. I could feel Grillby watching me as I drank it. Since it's my first time, and so guess he knew that by my face. I could hear him lightly Chuckle.

I heard the snoring stop, and so glanced at Sans. He looked like he was about to wake up. His eyes fluttered open and I started to giggle. He looked at me, then at the beer and sighed.

S: "When did we get here?"
I smiled and shrugged.

"I just carried you hereee. You fell asleeeeep." His smiled twitched slightly as he looked at Grillby. Grillby shrugged and put ketchup In front of Sans.

This drink is making me feel so weird...

I'm happy then I'm sad...

S: "Hey kid how you holding up." I took a big sip and gave him a thumbs up.

And then another sip.
Each one bigger than the last. When I finished I felt it kick in.

"Wow. Heheh... Hey Sans!~" He looked at me and waved.

S: "Hi?"

"Y'know I *hic* Could hear you after whatever happened, but I'm pretty sure I like you too. Because...
For some reason you make me feel special... And I've never felt that way!" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I think...

S: "May you tell me why you that cigarette pack triggered a memory?" My drunk state thought for a moment.

Remember your supposed to lie.

Eh shut up inner thoughts.

Am I just going to let my drunk thoughts take over... Really?

"Eh well... My drunk side says sure, and My not drunk side says no. But my inner thoughts say no too. So that's Two Verses One so I guess No." He chuckled.

S: "Okay then." He drank his ketchup.

"Sans... Do you ever feel worthless?
Like nothing matters in this world.
That no matter what you do it isn't good enough.
That no matter how much you plead and cry, that you can't get out of the horrific situation...
No matter how much you cry...
Or try to forget, that you never can?"


"No matter how hard I try...
I literally can not escape..."

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