Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~ Y O U ~

I gently pushed him aside a little and opened the door.

Before I could leave I felt his boney ass hand yank my shoulder.

I yelp slightly when he pulled me back.

He closed the door and sighed. His hand were covering his eyes in annoyance.

S: "Remember the first time we met?" His hand did not move off His face, and I just found my self staring, at nothingness.

S: "Remember... When  I called you beautiful...?" I shifted awkwardly...


I felt it...

S: "That hasn't changed...
But... I hope you realize...
I DO like Bri...
I know its crazy, but even after what she said...
Shes stuck in my mind...
Her body,
Her hair,
Her eyes...
I love it...
You are beautiful... But your personality...
Is so fucked up...
I can't deal with someone like you...
I'm sorry...
Please don't interfere with us...
I'm sorry...
Please... Friends?"

Fell down my face...
One by one...
Each one going down faster than the last...

I knew it...
No one stays...

I wiped my tears and sniffled, this caused San to look up.

He tried to comfort me but I pulled away.

Stay away...
Seeing you will only make it worse..." I kept my head low, and Turned around.
I walked out the door and gently closed it.

I ignored everyone staring, but only payed attention to one thing.

Brittany was snickering...

And that hurt more...

My shoulder shook violently as I picked up my pace.
Quiet weeps escaped my mouth as I could hear the door I just came out of, open.

I ran to the front door and opened it, Finding Hannah by the door with her knees to her chest. She looked up to me with tears streaming down her face. Her eyes widened when she made eye contact with me.

H: "Oh, Love, What happened?"

Forgetting about her own feelings she stood up to comfort me.

I stayed silent as the weeps got louder.

H: "Okay Sweetheart this is what we'll do, Okay?
We'll go out in the rain, If you need to cry then cry with nature.
Rain always makes me happy, Dunno bout you.
And if you need to scream and stomp then go ahead and scream, no one will hear you except me.
And if you need to stomp around then stomp in the puddles, then you're anger will dial down.
Let it out..."

She dragged me into the rain and let go of my hand and took a step back.

H: "Go on.
Let it out."

I looked up at her with my blurry vision.

I looked back at the ground and sat down.

She sighed and sat down next to me.

I thought about what he said over and over again.

Each time hurt more.
Seeing his face in my mind hurt my heart.
More tears.
Without me noticing I screamed.

Hannah stayed silent, letting me scream as thunder roared and lighting struck.

I felt hopeless and angry.

H: "Next step... Stand up..." I clenched my fists as I stood up next to Hannah.

H: "Now... Look at me..."
I looked up at her with anger bubbling. I could see her red puffy eyes and her bags.

H: "Pretend I'm Sans... Okay? Now...
Hit me..." My eyes widened.

H: "Its Okay! Haha! I'll be fine, Okay? Few bruises never killed anyone right! Hit me..." I shook my head as she signed.

H: "Aish... HIT ME! Please...! I can't see you like this. I don't like it.
I want to help...
Hit me...
It'll get your anger out."
I shakily and gently punched her arm.

H: "Oh C'mon! I Know you can do better! Pretend I'm Sans..." I looked back at her and The rain stopped...
I was in the room again...
Sans standing right in front of me.

I punched again but harder.

I heard An 'Oh shit' But punched again.
Back and forth, both hands punching.
Some Kicking going on too.

When I was finally done...

H: "That's it...
See? Wasn't so bad!" I looked at her again, She had blood coming out her nose and some blood on her forehead. She looked to the other side and spit out blood.

"Oh my god... I'm sorry!"

H: "Oh don't worry I've seen worse.
At least your anger is fine for now right?
I'll be fine as long as your fine." She coughed and spit out blood again.
She scrunched her face and wiped her mouth.

"We should probably clean that up..."

She shrugged.

H: "Eh I could do without that, but I guess I will later...
I just wanna listen to the rain...
You can go back inside I'd you want.
I'll just stay here for a bit."

I nodded hesitantly and Walked to the front door. I looked back one more time to see Hannah sitting on the ground, swaying back and forth with Her head hanging low.

I sighed as I opened the front door and walked back in.

Everyone was staring again, and I looked Around to see Sans and Bri Flirting.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I then realized that I haven't seen my Father at all...

Oh shit...

I ran to his room to find drawers open, and some thrown around money...

Please not again...

I ran back out in total panic.
My breath was shortening and the room started to slowly spin...

It got worse as I remembered flashbacks of my father abusing me...

Why did I bring him back?!

Chara Ran up to me, knowing I was having a panic attack, she started to calm me down.

After a while it worked and I calmed down. I was standing there, staring at Chara.

C: "Is there something wrong??"

"My... Father... He's gone..." Her eyes widened, knowing what I meant.

C: "Don't let him fucking touch you. AT ALL!" I Flinched at the last part.

C: "I'm sorry..."

"Look. You guys need to go, Until he comes back You guys need to go and not come back till I say so."


"Better than seeing you guys hurt."

Also Better than seeing Brittany and Sans all over each other...


Just Breathing?"

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