Chapter Twenty-One

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~ Y O U ~
It's that time...
I'm finally back on the surface...
I have to go face my Dad...

I sighed as we walked around. I've never been outside in so long...
This does look familiar...

Chara then grabbed my shoulder, making me jump back into reality...

C: "Y/N... Are you sure..." I nodded as they let go and stopped walking. Grillby insisted on going with me, but I convinced him to stay back.

I had the curtains and blinds open so that they could at least see what was going on.

Now my Neighborhood isn't the safest, but I'm sure they can defend themselves.

"Father...?" I heard a groan as I went into the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" He had beer bottles everywhere. He looked up at me and stood up, he stumbled around.
He slapped my face but it was gentle.

"Are you okay??" I repeated, no answer, just another slap. But it was harder.

"Please I want to know!" Something was definitely wrong until I saw him come to his senses. He slapped me clean and hard across the face.

I yelped as jumped back.
"ARE YOU OKAY OR NOT, DAMN IT!" His eyebrows furrowed, I could feel everyone staring.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BACK?!" He slapped me again, and it got harder each time.

"I want to help you!" His gaze at me became soft.

"You want... To help me...?" I nodded as he dropped to his knees.

"But why...
After all I did...
After all I caused you...
I KILLED YOUR MOTHER!" He started to cry.

"So why come back...
And help me..."

I got on my knees too and grabbed the sides of his head. I made him look at me as I began to talk.

"Because I care...
I want to know how to help you, so that maybe you can have a good life...
So that you won't die with regrets...
Let me help you..." He looked at me as tears keep falling from his eyes. He hugged me, which shocked me.

He's never hugged, or kissed me, so this affection from him was rather weird.
He kept sobbing as he repeated 'I'm so sorry'.

I patted his back.
"Its okay... Its okay..." He let go and wiped his eyes...

"Its not okay... I took away the person who loved you the most...
I hurt you physically and mentally...
I'm so sorry...
I should not even be forgiven..." He looked down as I sighed.

"If you weren't to be forgiven...
Why would I be here?"
He shrugged and I smiled softly and stood up.

"C'mon cry Baby. Get up." I reached out my hand and he gently took it.

"Now let's go pack your shit up." He looked at me, confusion plastered onto his face.


"Because last time I was here this house was going to be knocked down."

"Oh... Right..." I dragged him to his room and turned the light on.

"Wow you really need to clean more." He sighed.

"I know." I chuckled slightly as I went through his clothes. Seperating them in to piles.

"What are you doing?"

"Separating your clothes duh."

I picked out clothes that would sure enough get him decent girls instead of hookers. Most of his clothes are in the Nope pile, which kinda made me pissed.

"You got some sucky ass clothes." He chuckled.

"I know." I moved from his closet, to his drawers. He had better clothes there than the closet, which surprised me.

Holy shit he even had a tuxedo.

"Oh shit... This is nice."

"Yeah... I wore that at the wedding for your Mom and I."

I smiled slightly and gently put it in new pile, so it wouldn't get more wrinkley as It is.

After going threw everything I moved to the stuff that we want to keep.

After all of that I packed everything and we left this horrid house.

I'm surprised everyone was still waiting.

"Who are they..."

"Friends. This is Grillby, Toriel, Asgore, Napstablock, Sans, Papyrus, Bitch-face, Mettaton, Alphys, Undyne, Frisk, Chara, Hannah, Uh... Lexi?, and the same names for that group." My Dad nodded and stayed silent.

"WELL ANYWAYS...Where are we staying."

C: "My house?" I nodded.
As we set out for adventure to CHARAS HOUSE!

When we finally got there everyone gasped.
Her house was HUGE!
My god...
No idea!
We actually she probably killed some people and stole their money.

And since they never find the body, nor Chara, she's always good to go.

So I'm just friends with a grown ass Killer.
But a nice one when you get to know her.

Plus she can Even give you Knife lessons!

H: "Holy shit Chara..." Hannah looked around in awe as I did too.

"Chara we don't has to stay here if you don't want us too, we'd probably be a Bother." She shrugged.

C: "Well... Their aren't enough rooms, and I'm not sharing mine. So..." I looked at Frisk and they nodded.

There was an upstairs and downstairs.

Brother's, and Grillbys in one room.
Toriels and Muffets in another.
Asgores and my father in the other.
And the girls In one too.

Me, Frisk, Hannah...
Bitch Face...
And Lexi...
I was obvious that Hannah hated Lexi but...

I sighed knowing hella well that we have to share beds.

H: "I'll just sleep on the floor."

L: "Ha. Good." Lexi Smirked as I sighed.

"Oh no not another one." I sighed deeply and she glared at me. I just smiled cockily. She rolled her eyes and I snickered.

"Oh soooooo sassy." I put my hands up and shook them and snickered again.

L: "I don't know who the Fuck you think you are, but don't cross the line."

"What will you do, go cry like a little bitch?"

B: "Hey don't push it."

H: "What the hell will you do bitch. You can't do shit. And that's a fact."

B: "You little Shit." She rolled her over sleeves and tried to punch Hannah. She chuckled and grabbed her fist.

H: "How fucking weak." She smiled and twisted Bitch faces arm until she cried mercy.

H: "Good.
Now~ Shut the fuck up.
And don't try to pick a fight.~ Because we all know who'll win~" She winked at her in a cocky way. I snickered and went to the bathroom.

This could be...

Is it really worth getting hurt in the process of the fun?


"It's easier to say that you're mad
Than admit that you're


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