Chapter 1: ~Beginning~

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My hands that grasped the wooden spoon stirred the stew in the large metal pot, cheap as they come; As I finished cooking for my beloved father, I began to think about the current months pay,
'how will I manage to get the money, I've not gotten paid this week.' I asked myself.
I briefly set the thought aside and scooped the the now broiling stew into the tattered dish I then brought to my sick father, as I handed off the bowl to him, I realized how calloused my palms were, with how much I've been doing around home and around the city, I hadn't realized my exhaustion and soreness were beginning to beat me.
My father smiled up to my worrying face and thanked me for making him dinner, I could see in his eyes he was hoping I'd sit and have myself a meal too, but I only snatched enough for just him, I hadn't thought of myself; I actually hadn't remembered the last I'd had a meal, let alone a meal with my father.
I sat next to him wondering how long it should be before the sickness takes him over, it hurts me to even think about it but i have to come to terms with it.. I know I have to let him go sometime, I just wasn't prepared to do so this soon.

"My dear, whatever is making you scowl like that? It looks to be quite the painful expression, tell me, I am your father for the lords sake." His concerned gentle eyes, his sweet brown eyes, his worried voice, and his caring words.. they almost won me over, but I just couldn't worry him anymore, it can't be good for him to worry in his already indisposed state.

I stood up, "father, it's not anything you need to concern yourself with, I can soothe my nerves while out on a short walk, I need some time to myself."

"Va bene dear, I will see you soon then?" His soft voice rang to me, I couldn't help but want to cry, I knew I'd miss his voice.

"Si, father." I chuckled as I closed the door gently behind me, I lingered for a moment, in my own pitiful sorrow, I hadn't the time, I had other things to tend to.

I strolled down the streets of Venice, admiring every shop and every painter, I enjoyed watching some of the talented painters, it did wonders to take the weight off of my fragile form, to think how an artist thinks, the pictures I see them paint, so lovely and vibrant, I wish to think like that as well, one day..
I turned back to the marketplace to purchase my father and I some goods, I only had enough money for some, yet I still needed to pay rent, and this wasn't nearly enough itself, I had a choice, to either keep the money I had and give it to the landlords so they'd at least have something to go on, or buy my fathers groceries and give the landlords nothing, which was never a good idea in our case.

I didn't want my father to worry about the shortage on money, but I try to save up enough money to pay the men who come to collect it from us, but it never seems to be enough for them.. It seems as if they enjoy putting the burden upon my shoulders, But I also try to have enough money to feed my father, it was hard enough to get the money to pay, but to pay for both.. I couldn't, and running away from the guards when I steal from the market, I think that was going a bit overboard, I just had to get my father some goods, and I have to save the money to pay the men, they hurt me and my father if we can't pay.... It pains me more than the beatings to see them hurt my father, he's already sick enough, I told them I can take enough for the both of us, but they just get their kicks out of hurting the sick man as well as hurting me.
As I purchase some apples with the money I have, I feel a strong hand grip my shoulder, as they jerked me around to face them, I already knew who it was the moment they laid a finger on me.

Okay so I made it a little less crappy, it's still crappy, but I changed and added a few things for better reading quality, cause I wasn't liking what I was reading, there's still a lot wrong with it, but I made it better. Lol

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