Chapter 7: ~Return~

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So so so sorry, this chapter took forever, but I got it done, I've just been under tons of stress lately, and I very much apologize, but I hope you enjoy this one :))

As I crept down the staircase of the place I had awoken in, I realized, it was a brothel. I knew the woman who tended to my wounds wore a similar outfit to those who work in the brothels. I still felt eyes burning into my back, I don't know what happened back at my home, why was Luca so angry? What did I do, I just back talked a little, but I always did. What happened? I wondered, opening the door as quietly as I could in order to sneak out. I set that aside, as I knew I had at least a little more time left before they found me again, The door creaked as I slowly opened it to feel the cold air blast my face, I could go collect more money, I had to. I looked around the area to reveal where I was exactly, 'that's right! I'm near the Castello!' I thought as I snapped my fingers.

I took off down the skillfully placed stone bricks of Venice, I'm not sure what the hell happened , I do remember going back home to pay Luca and Marco, but.. After that I don't remember much, maybe just little bits and pieces. My eyes were still in a blurry state as well as my mind trying to pick up the pieces to the occurrence from the night before, my head pounded as I made my way slowly back to my home, I'm sure Luca and Marco are soon to take it from me. I shoved the key into the lock upon my door, surprisingly, it opened. I stepped in and found a few drops of what I assumed was my blood, I grabbed a washcloth to dab the areas it stained. I carried the washcloth back to the bucket of chilled water, it was old, it had been awhile since I had been back home, I rinsed the cloth out and dropped it back in the bucket, I was exhausted, my head was throbbing, I pressed my palms upon the counter the bucket was placed, it hit me.. My father.. Was he really gone, I began to cry. Warm tears ran down my soft rosy cheeks, they felt quite pleasant due to the cold air that sept through beneath the door to the small building in which I stayed, I was cold, I was tired, I was upset, What was I to do, I wiped the tears from my cheeks, my hands felt freezing, I realized I was shaking, was it the fear, the anger, the pain, or just the chilled air.. I had no clue.

I removed my boots and untied the lace to my white shirt, I had nothing else to wear. I pulled the shirt over my head and threw it on the floor determined to clean it in the morning if I hadn't been hunted first. I slid my brown cotton pants I wore from my hips to my feet, I stepped out of them and fell back on the bed to drift off once again, into the darkness that was my restless sleep.

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