Chapter 15: ~Thief~

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Carrying the large seal that clinked within my bag, I surfaced from the latter back up into civilization; or not quite. I emerged closing the trap door underneath me, the wind whipped at my cheeks my hair flapping along with it, I was higher up than I expected; I tilted my head hesitantly down to look downward, I gasped,

"No! How am I supposed to get down!! Cazzo!" I yelped as I spun around darting my eyes to any available way down; the wind grew strong for a slight moment taking me by surprise, it's as if it slashed at my body stunning me slightly my feet shuffling backward reaching the edge of the roof, I almost screamed in agony the moment I felt the ledge underneath my boots; I forced myself against the wind tugging myself forward, i darted my eyes along the ground spotting a large cart full of hay; could it hold me? Would the impact shoot me through the bottom certain to kill me? Was I really ready to risk it? Thoughts consumed my mind as I stared down examining the small wooden cart, I shook my head as I closed my eyes,

"I'm gonna miss the hay.. I just know it!" I cried out to myself before dashing off the roof diving forward but making sure I wouldn't submerge into the haystack headfirst, I twisted my body so my back faced the ground; then, rustling, my eyes shut as my whole body itched, I sprung out from beneath the hay in which I was imbedded, pieces of hay rest in my hair and stuck to my clothing some fluttering to the cobblestone below me; eyes began to dart to the sudden commotion I'd just created, some people gasped, others spoke in inaudible whispers to their groups of gathered friends in the market place I'd suddenly landed.

Could this have been in a more secluded area?! Jeez.

I sigh, turning all my attention to the man clad in a brown hooded outfit clapping his hands together slowly, and loudly -- I had a hunch on whom it was due to his hidden identity, I hadn't gotten much time with the fox to really notice what he had been wearing, but I knew it was he whom was mocking my action. He slowly approached me placing his hand roughly on my left shoulder,

"Well done, well done." Was all he said as I tried to make out the smirk hiding underneath his hood.

"Could've told me I was going to end up on the highest tower in Venice! And that when I jumped down that I'd be surrounded by crowds of people." I began to scold but trailed off when I noticed I'd attracted a bit too much attention.

"I couldn't have known you'd have ended up here, this is a friends request that I've put you in charge of." His smirk grew even wider than before, I could just hear it.

"So, if you hadn't known, the fact that you're in this marketplace at such a convenient moment, you know, the moment in which I'd hopped out of that haystack, is just a coincidence?" I narrowed my eyes at the hooded man.

"Yes, a coincidence, let's leave it at that; I wouldn't dig too deep signora." He sighed and turned around and began to walk back the way he came, he moved his hand swiftly motioning me to follow.

"So, this friend of yours, how do I know I retrieved the right object in which they wanted?" I asked curiously as the questions that racked my brain all day came flooding out. "And, who are they? I mean, why would they need a seal of an assassin? I mean the emblem is carved into the backside of the seal.. is this friend, an assassin?!" I blurted out the words that suddenly came to my mind, I gasped at my own realization as I spoke the words.

"Why so many questions bambina?" He clearly was smirking that stupid smirk of his, I just knew it.

"Forgive me, I just want to know whom I've done this favour for, it was quite tough, is that why you weren't able to do it yourself? No, you're really good at these types of things; were you just, testing me?" I kept stammering on as I'd not paid any mind to where we were headed; we were headed back toward the thieves guild, but I'd asked questions all the way there without a care in the world.

"Hm? Oh we're here, and still no questions answered whatsoever. Oh well, will you help me now that I've helped you? I'm sure you've heard anything and everything about me, no?" I sighed as we made our way inside of the building.

"Yes, I'll help, I'll have my best thieves train you in what we do best, then would you come to see me, with the seal?" He motioned two thieves as he made his way into the back of the room leaving me before I had the chance to get a single word in; I don't think I had a choice to reject his request anyways; I turned to the two men, both wore old grey worn down tunics, the draw strings on the top undone hanging on either side of their shoulders, one wore a hat and another wore a worn white bandana around his head, their trousers, a darker grey than the tunics they wore; dirt and debris caked their faces tinting their skin with dark splotches. I stood dumbfounded as they both sighed and motioned for me to follow, this wasn't going to be easy; they were fast, I dashed along trailing further and further behind them, they didn't stop for anything, anyone whom got in their way tumbled to the ground due to their rough shoves, I was running short on energy as I chased after them, the first thief took a sharp turn toward a wall with a boxes stacked on one another, his feet hit the wall, then the boxes making his way unto the rooftops; after him the other did the same but on the other side of the water, he must've turned at the bridge and made his way on the other side. I took off toward the boxes, hopping on one after the other climbing up unto the roof, it clinked beneath my feet as I followed the first thief, one second he was on the roof with me, the next he'd landed right into the market place.

As he casually strolled through, occasionally looking at the stalls filled with food produce or items available for purchase in the market place; I saw him capture a few pouches and pick up his pace a little after he did so. Once he'd returned to me, as well as the other thief, they finally took the time to introduce themselves.

"My name is Piero." The first thief claimed, the one with the bandana.

"And I'm Matteo." Quoted the other almost unnoticeably bowing his head to greet me.

"And you are?" Piero asked as he examined my still dumbfound face.

"O-oh! My name is Y/n." I snapped out of whatever trance I'd slipped into, "I apologize, I just need a little help learning how to steal and be almost completely incognito." I filled them in on what I'd needed.

"Well, we can help with the stealing and getting the guards off your tail within moments time, but with hiding and going unnoticed, you'll need to go to the brothel, to see sister Theodora." Matteo informed me and I nodded in response.

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