Chapter 11: ~Hidden~

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I awoke, blankets tangled around my body, the feeling of warmth and comfort surrounded me as I closed my eyes..

I'll just rest my eyes

I knew that was a huge lie, I was tired, my adrenaline rush from yesterday really attacked my energy, as soon as I got to my room in the inn last night I instantly was relaxed as my energy slowly faded, though the adrenaline that was sent through my Body was wonderful, it really tired me out, i barely had any strength. My mind, my body and my energy was at rest, maybe I could sleep today, just for today. I fell back into a deep slumber as I didn't realize I still had time to sleep, it was only 2 am, I was tired, but restless, but this time I stayed asleep.

Throughout the rest of the night i lay comfortably on the soft hay bed, my mind and my energy were restored once I re-awoke to the sun burning into my eyes.

"Cazzo, where're the damn curtains?" I sat up annoyed with the brightness throughout the bedroom, I wondered if after I found the fox, what i would do, where would I go, how would I live? Would I live off the thing he taught? I do know one thing about thieving, and that's pick pocketing, it's easy, and stealing from the marketplace as well. Otherwise, I don't know how to escape the guards, or hide away when I'm being hunted by them, sometimes my posters are hung up all around Venezia.. How do I escape that? Well maybe once I ask 'la volpe' he'll tell me, but will I have to live off other people's money? I just wanted to be normal, have a normal life, but now it's.. It's simply a mess, a mess that I created. We were never really on the wealthy side of Venezia, we never lived a wonderful life like the others, but knowing we weren't alone really set the sadness aside, knowing that we had people that wouldn't spit on us if we walked past them. What did we do to deserve that kind of disrespect, we don't spit on the wealthy, why do the wealthy spit on the unfortunate?

My brain racked with thoughts and confusion, I placed my head in my in my hands as I thought about how angry Luca and Marco must be, they were probably wondering where I was, they probably know why I left, but thank god they didn't know where, I couldn't stand them any longer, I already knew I couldn't go back, ever again, I didn't want to, I won't spend the rest of my life being abused by men just so I have a roof over my head, I refuse to live a life like that, in fact, a life like that isn't worth living at all.

I lifted my head up and stood up walking over to look out the window, Venezia is so beautiful whenever you're not in the rough edges, where there's nothing but scum and whores, sitting, standing, waiting for you when you turn a corner to ask you for a florin or two in exchange for sex, illegal items, or the scum that don't even ask for coin, but just hit on women and try to take them back to their place, I learn from experience.

I watched through the window as the men in big silly hats walk around with their betrothed, and the women with the big beautiful dresses flowing down to their expensive shoes walk around with their betrothed. it was wonderful seeing all the market places fill with life all around as the civilians bought their daily needs and wants, and how they associated with one another. From the window it was peaceful, but I'm sure outside it was loud but joyful.

But of course, today I just wanted to stay hidden.

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