Chapter 18: ~sore ~

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I bit my lip, my arms gave out as my opponents foot collided with my stomach, I shouldn't have made myself vulnerable, my cheek slammed against the hard floor my teeth piercing my lips, my body trembling. I felt large hands grip onto my collar, before I could say anything I was face to face with a large man, smelled like sweat and tobacco, a merciless punch landed right below my right eye and more than likely bruising my cheekbone sent my head to an immediate left, only a whimper escaping before he threw another right to my jaw; saliva now with a mixture of blood dripped from my pink lips staining them red. He released my collar once more letting my head hit the hard floor beneath, Bartolomeo didn't lie when he said if I didn't hold my own in the ring I'd die; he continued to hit me, not only in the face, but in the chest too, I couldn't breathe properly, no, I couldn't breathe. I had no protection whatsoever, everyone just watched, I couldn't defend myself, so I just let him hit me continuously, I felt a pool of blood from my mouth form underneath my cheek, I heaved as I braced myself for another punch, but I didn't feel anything, nor did I hear anything.

Am I.. am I dead ?!

All there was, was blackness and silence, it was calm, and I didn't feel a thing, I wasn't exactly sure if it had been a good or bad thing; I could hear faint voices and yelling but other than that, silence.

"Leave la Donna alone! Can't you see she has had enough!" One man yelled over a few other louder voices, I was too tired and pained to make out much more,

"Bartolomeo said.. " one man began to make up an excuse, but the other cut him off.

"Cazzo Bartolomeo.. his choices have not always been bene! You should know! Now listen to me before you get out ass handed to you, you'll look eleven times worse than la Donna! No one but a coward lays a finger on una donna like that! Ever! I shouldn't even let you do this, but take her to a room, any room that doesn't feel of you and your men's sweaty bodies, lay her down and grab a wet cloth, press it to her head; I see that you've failed in any of this I'll kill you, do you und-"

Nothing more after that; it was calm for awhile, peaceful, I'd done enough running for awhile, it was stupid to push myself so hard, traveling from one task to another not even considering rest, didn't come to mind at all. I don't even have a home, once I finish here I'll have to ask volpe for help. now that I think about it, maybe that was volpe telling those men off, no.. it didn't quite sound like him, another mercenary? I guess I could ask Bartolomeo once I wake. I slept thoroughly, I needed the rest, though no matter how much sleep I got, I was gonna wake up with a throbbing headache and maybe even a few cracked ribs, I found it a little hard to breathe, but maybe I'm just sore in the chest.

"She'll recover, broken nose, black eye, a bit of rib and shoulder damage, but she will recover, give her this to dull the pain, she'll heal in no time. Leeches are also good for your health, messere!" Hm? Is that a doctor?

"Grazie, but this will be enough." The man from before?

"If you shall ever need medical assistance, you know where to find me." He spoke in a cheery tone as I heard his footsteps fade, but only one set; the other man still stand inside the bed chamber while I rested.

"I've set water on the table here, bartelomeo will explain what the hell kind of idioti he's hired, but you'll need to drink the medication next to it once you wake.. mm maybe I should just leave a damned note, not as if the poor bambino can hear me." He spoke to himself briefly.

"Mm.. I can hear you, just a little out of it.." I hummed, eyes still closed, hopefully loud enough for him to understand.

"Ah, bene, I've important matters to attend to, but I do not believe this will be our last meeting madonna. Don't forget the medicine, oh, and next time, your agility, work on your speed and endurance, you'll need it. Maybe in our next meeting. Addio." I could hear the smirk he wore on his lips, the real question was, who in the hell was he?

"A-addio mm.." a soft moan slipped from my barely open lips as I heard his light, almost silent footsteps fade, it might have been I was half asleep but I could barely hear him; My tense body relaxed as I fell back to sleep. Morning came, but even with my face buried deep within my pillow, I still was blinded by the sunlight,

"Merda! Are you kidding me, it's enough I have a headache so why must Mother Nature make things worse!" I groaned as I sat up, and it hit me. "CAZZO!" I yelped and hunched over to grab my now spinning head, everything suddenly went red, my chest ached my shoulders would hardly withstand a slight pat I'm sure; I decided, getting up wasn't the best idea just yet, If I was going to, I'd have to slowly adjust myself to each position I moved, I wasn't even covered by any blankets nor was I able to be set into more comfortable clothing; at least they respected me in that aspect.. I'd rather sleep in 3 day old filthy clothing before I'd let a 30 year old filthy mercenary undress me.. eck! Eventually I'd finally sat up, each time I moved up slight pain would swarm my body, especially my head, but this way was easier than just taking the pain all at once I assure you, not attempting to stretch I snatched the medicine vial into my hand and downed it quickly and chugging the water straight afterward; I shook my head in disgust, "absolutely revolting." I gagged before exiting the room.

I should speak with Bartolomeo, volpe was right, I definitely wasn't ready to train with him just yet, but he sent me anyway? Maybe he at least wanted me to meet and greet with him, he seems important to the fun circle I've explored this past two days, courtesans, thieves.. mercenaries, it's odd altogether; but I've to learn to protect myself somehow, and this is the only solution I can think of.

Dragging my feet beneath me as I was too weak to walk normally.. I made way into the small building in which Bartolomeo stayed, id asked a few mercenaries before I went in to make sure I was correct on where to go and if I were even able to meet with him without some sort of warning. Closing the door behind me Bartolomeo looked up from his sword he was currently polishing at the time,

"How do you feel?" His usual loud ear raping voice made my head pound harder than it were before.

"Not good.. not good at all." I sighed hardly able to stand.

"Sit, I can tell it's not too easy to keep on your feet." He motioned his hand toward a chair just before his desk that he sat, I took a seat almost groaning at the shot of pain that was sent through my chest. "I suppose I should have asked my men to go easier on you, I knew I must've scared you from our talk beforehand, I apologize, I can't throw you into the ring like that, you need more training, thorough training, what did my men teach you when you went out the first time." He asked in curiosity.

"They didn't teach; they demanded, told me to do something and expected me to do it right off the bat, and if I'd got it wrong I'd be yelled at and no example of how i should have done it was given, mi dispiace for insulting your men, but I can't tolerate not being properly taught when I have to protect myself, and clearly, by what happened last night, I can do no such thing." By the end of my speaking I was heaving, and my chest ached, I was in so much pain I realized I couldn't speak for more than five seconds for the life of me!

"No need to say sorry bambino, you deserve a proper teaching after what I just put you through, but not now, you're not capable, you must heal first. I take it you're headed back to volpe's guild?" He questioned.

"Si, its the only place I can go that's rightly hidden, and the only place I can really go at all, I've had no time to process anything that's gone on in my life recently, due to the fact that I'm being pursued. So, si, you know where to find me." I stood up with great difficulty before I braced myself for impact plummeting to the floor, but Bartolomeo had already caught my arm before I could reach the floor.

"I've already decided that I'm escorting you there, come." He steadied me onto my feet, he locked his arm around mine, this was probably a good idea, I can't hold my own out in the public in this state, and I'm too weak to walk all the way back on my own.

Gasp! Who is he?! Lmao. Hope you guys are a little more impressed, my bad, I know it was brief but ;)

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