Chapter 23: ~Wine and secrets~

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I woke to the sound of metal against metal, armor being latched together roughly, clothing being tugged on forcefully; I turned my head and slowly the rest of my focus, Ezio was dressed completely and matching on his his hidden blade, his eyes caught mine.

"Morning, it's hard not to make too much noise with this, did you sleep well otherwise?" His focus returned to his stubborn vambrace.

"Si, e tu?" I also focused my gaze to his vambrace, it seemed to hide a blade on the underside of the brace, the brace itself were designed beautifully with what looked like an assassin symbol, and a red gem placed carefully on the bottom, the piece was gorgeous altogether.

"I slept fine, considering I slept on the floor." He lifted his gaze to me as if to teasingly shame me.

"You needn't have slept on the floor, i willingly would have instead!"  I defended myself in an honest answer, in which he in return chuckled in amusement.

"Slow down, I'm teasing you bambina." He sheathed his well crafted steel into his small scabbard; "I will stay for an evening before returning to my family estate to discuss confidential progress, so if you wanted to train, then let's do so today, I'll be gone for a few days before I return again. meet me outside once you're ready" without giving me any time to protest, he was already gone, not that I had any place to protest, I needed to train, no more putting it off, and no more getting myself hurt. Though I think it's inevitable against ezio, he's skilled and a strategist at that, he knows what to do and when. I hopped out of the bed and quickly straightened it up, it was the least I could do for him after he gave up his spot in bed to me, and took the floor instead; I stumbled around attempting to find my boots, I spotted them beside a chair in the corner. I straightened up the shirt ezio gave me by tying the laces that revealed a bit too much; all of ezio's pants didn't fit me correctly, I sighed hopelessly.

"Merda, do i have a choice? He didn't tell me where he put my clothes in the first place." I complained to myself, I then groaned and took off to the front door and opened it the tiniest bit, "ezio, where did you put my clothing?" Sharpening his blade, he gazed up at me.

"They're soaking in the wash bucket, how long had it been since you had them cleaned?" He raised an eyebrow, not taking his gaze off me.

"I can't remember Ezio, please. you want me to train wearing just your shirt?" I sighed to him, still using the door as cover.

"It is your own fault for dirtying your clothes, check if any of my pants fit." He sighed clearly annoyed with me already. This was going to be a long training session.

"I did, and they didn't fit properly!" I yelled at him frustrated.

"Are you calling me fat bambina?" He smirked teasingly.

"That's not! Ezio!!" I groaned.

"Come, I will not pay any attention, I could have made a move last night if I wanted to, but I did not. I think you can trust me." He ushered me to stand position, I did so. "Right, now, don't stand like that, they'll easily knock you off your toes." He took stance as example for me, and I changed my position to match his. He guarded his face with his fists, I did the same, he tossed gentle hits and I dodged them. "Remember, your opponent will not go this easy on you." I continued to dodge his hits as they got rougher. "Now counter my punch and take a shot at me." I nodded and tossed his arms aside quickly and nailed him in the gut twice, he wasn't phased. "You're too scared to hit me?" He raised his hand signaling for us to stop.

"It's not that- " i whimpered.

"Give your opponent that, and they'll easily overpower you." He crossed his arms, he was doubting me. I nailed him in the jaw, hard; he held his jaw before he began to make his quick movements, I quickly took to new technique and dodged him, I ducked and nailed him in his open gut, and I swept him off his feet with a swift kick to the crook of his knees, as they bent I kicked his leg from the side and he plummeted. Out of breath and kneeling on the ground Ezio sounded in defeat, "that, is what I wanted to see." I held my hand out for him and surprisingly he took the gesture.

"Do you have anything to drink?" I smiled innocently.

"I do, come, let's go in." He lead me back inside, I sat at the old rotted table fit for two, Ezio popped open a bottle of wine, he rested the cork on the table and two glasses with it, he poured a generous amount of the red wine in each. He sat across from me and took his glass in hand, I did the same.

"I did not expect that from you, I'm impressed." He took a sip from his glass.

"It's not like I don't know how to fight, I'm just not the best at it." I giggled.

"Well you certainly weren't as bad as you made yourself out to be, and I think the few things I taught you within the span of five minutes, really did a number on you, your stance wasn't good at first, neither was your block; as a matter of fact, you didn't block at all the first time we fought, you didn't parry either." He smiled at me once more in certain accomplishment, I figured he might be disappointed that he had his ass handed to him, but no, he seemed.. proud. I felt my chest tighten, though I was confused why my heart didn't stop pounding.

"I'm glad you thought I was worthy of your teaching." I smiled back at him.

"Anyone is worthy, no one is incapable." His words for some reason made me disappointed,  I wanted to be the only one worthy. It sounded selfish but it was the truth; We ended the conversation there, we sipped quietly on our glasses of wine, I avoided his gaze at any cost, afraid of what he'd see in mine. "You'll be fine with Antonio." He said out of the blue.

"I won't be staying with them, I thought it was obvious that I was in trouble, I figured I could train myself with the help of them all, Bartolomeo, volpe, madam Theodora, but I realized I couldn't. I don't want to endanger any of them, so I'll be leaving once I rest my body and mind a little longer." I looked down at my almost empty glass.

"You cannot keep running you know." He stood and leant over lifting my chin to look him in the eyes. "You will get nowhere."

"And fighting? What will that do me?! I can't do it, I must run, I know it's cowardly but it's better than getting myself killed." I raised my voice but lowered it as he clearly hadn't known what they had done to my family and I, his words meant no harm. "They were our supposed saviors, giving us a roof over our heads, my mother thankfully never met the two bastardo's, but my sickly father had, if I refused what they said or hadn't given payment, they would beat my poor father and .. and I told them that I would take his place, but.. " tears rolled down my cheeks without halt, Ezio's gaze quickly changed from serious, to concern, he knelt before me and took my hand in his.

"You needn't have told me this, mother and sister can wait another day, I will not leave just yet." He stood and took both empty glasses of wine and placed them in a water tub to clean, maybe wine was never a good idea at all.

Oh look, a crappy update lmao, procrastinating hurts cause you don't wanna procrastinate, but you also don't wanna be productive, Ugh.

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