Chapter 6: ~Headache~

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Late.. I'm late they're gonna kill me, in fact, they're probably searching for my father right about now. I didn't know how long they were there, but I didn't care, if I wasn't there, they'd go looking for me. And that was never a good thing, especially if they didn't find me.. I had to hurry. I rushed through the open doorway, there they stood waiting for me. "So, where's papa?" They asked with sarcasm but curiosity as well. "Why should I tell you?" I sassed back nervous that they'd guess what had happened and taunt me with the information they'd recover. They stood silently for a moment in time, then did the unexpected. I felt a sudden pain as Luca had stuck me in the stomach with his heavily armored foot. It was only in a flash before I was on the ground pleading for mercy.. None was received. A swift kick to the face and a small Yelp escaping my lips had done it for me, I blacked out instantly, knowing that if I fought back, I would not succeed in winning.

Pain.. All I felt was pain. My eyelids felt heavy as I slowly opened them adjusting to the dimmed lighting surrounding me. Still a little blurred a felt a cold washcloth being gently pressed against my forehead. I shot up up as soon as I realized I had no idea were I was. A woman stood there in a dark red dress, one like the whores near the brothels wear, with a worried look on her face, my hair fell in front of my eyes as I exhaled softly, my head throbbed violently, I fell back onto the pillow. The woman once again pressing the cloth to my head, as I closed my eyes once more, I heard the woman speaking to a couple other women and a male, I couldn't make out what they were saying, all I knew is that they were talking about me. I removed the cloth and set it aside on the bedside table, I rolled over and slowly fell back into slumber.

I awoke later in the night and gathered my things, I had to get back home. I couldn't stay away for too long. I slowly creaked the door open, i made sure no one spotted me. As I closed the door, I felt those same eyes upon me, it made me uncomfortable at the carnival but, now that I'm alone, deep fear built up inside me, I knew it couldn't be Luca or Marco. Who was it? Im not sure if I even wanted to know.

I'm probably really shit at this, rlly sorry. But I'm trying to write these faster but I'm lazy. I'll try to milk out as many chapters as I can as soon as possible.

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