Chapter 12: ~Evening Alone~

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It was a beautiful evening, staying inside today was a relief, and very medicating, I needed to stop searching for at least a day and relax, the entire day I just sat and thought, what else could I have done? I tried to keep my mind off of finding the fox, but I was too excited, it was too late out to be hunting for someone anyways.

I always knew the consequences to come if I went out late at night, men and women lurk in the shadows, even I've seen them, once or twice at least; but I kept my distance, as did they. But who knows for how long, make one wrong move toward them, and they'll kill you.

I peered out the window of the inn and looked out toward the river, the lit candles throughout the streets illuminated the cobblestone pathway for all the remaining civilians who I'm sure we're headed back to where they were staying. They've been a lot more cautious due to the posters the rumors and the heralds word on some sort of assassin, but there's more out there, not just whoever this assassin is.. There's murderers, kidnappers, thieves..

I cleared my throat at the thought of myself being dangerous to those of innocence and closed the curtains drowning out any light from the setting night sky to inside my room; I had made the bed earlier from boredom knowing I was just going to wreck it again in my sleep.

I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, turning the faucet on hot and dipping my hand under the water testing it.

"Mm.. Yeah that should be warm enough." I spoke aloud as I stood back up taking the drawstrings on my loose white shirt and tugging them gently pulling the strings from the knot they held, I then lifted the shirt from above my head and tossed it to the side.

"Finally, just stop thinking and relax." I told myself removing my brown leggings and dropping them on the floor as well as my socks, I stepped into the tub slowly and emerged my body into the warm water, I exhaled slowly as the water surrounded my form.

The steam arose from the surface of the water and my soft fragile skin began to turn a pinkish colour, I loved hot baths, they soothe my aching body along with my bruised mind. It's been so long since I've had a decent bath experience, I also enjoyed saunas, they tended to make me weak and tired afterwards, but that's what they're made for really, to drain the bodily fluids by steaming them out. It's wonderful to clear the mind as well, but mostly before sleep, I'd sleep like a rock after id leave the sauna to go back home; a few friends of mine and I would meet up and head there for much needed relaxation away from all our troubles, I never see them any longer, speaking of, I'd not seen Stella since carnevale. 

I sunk further into the tub dipping in my hair along with my ears as well; I stared up at the ceiling as the silence of the water surrounded me, I could hear distant sounds every time someone above or below me shuffled around, other than that, it was silent, so silent it began to eat at me; my brain filled with thoughts again, more so dark and unnerving than pleasant. I sat up, water dripping from my hair and down my shoulders, I pulled the drain plug and stood up grabbing the nearby towel the inn keep left in reach.

I wrapped myself in the warm softness of the white towel and stepped out of the still wet tub, I dried my body as well as my hair, I dropped the towel on the floor leaving it to go dress myself, I rummaged through the drawers for something fitting, I was quite petit so there usually wasn't much I could find, I always had to be measured by the tailor when I needed anything knew, i wore the same outfits daily due to the lack of coin I had to pay for new clothing, it wasn't until my clothes were completely unwearable that I would finally go to the tailor.

Finally I spotted a pair of black leggings and a loose cream white shirt, I slipped the leggings on over my thighs to my hips adjusting them to my form; I then lifted the shirt over my shoulders and pushed my arms through the sleeves, the shirt then fell loosely over my breasts and I tugged it down to fit it over them, it revealed quite a bit of cleavage so I tied the drawstrings closing the gap between my breasts and the two stings revealing them. I returned to the bathroom picking up the towel from the floor and folding it back up.

I threw my still wet hair into a loose bun behind my head, a few strands of hair fell from the bun to the side of my head, I then sat on the bed grabbing an old book I had brought with me, I brought it everywhere in fact, the book was special to me, it was worn from being read so many times in the past. My mother had read it just as much as me, my father used to tell me she did, once I read it, I couldn't keep my hands off of it. It wasn't some fake love story, no it was about a boy who was given away at a young age due to his foul behavior, his mother and father were sick of it, so they sent him away, and they trained him to fight, years later, he became a trained mercenary, helped those in need.

~time skip~

My eyes grew weary as the light from the candle on the bedside table flickered softly casting shadows throughout the room, I fought to keep my eyes open, I closed the book deciding I had fought long enough to stay awake, I set the book aside and adjusted my pillow laying my head on it, I covered my shoulders with the comforter as I reached over smothering the candles flame within my fingertips. The smoke filled the room as well as my nose, finally wiping me out of consciousness.

Again! Thank you very much! Sorry for the slow chapters, finally hit a thousand word count! Be proud!! I'm sorry if I'm taking too long to get to the fox and ezio himself but, Id just rather build my story up with time, we'll get to it!

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