Chapter 8

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"This is not good...  You know that"

"Yes...  Don't worry, they will be save.  our people are keeping an eye on them"

"I know that, but I don't like this"

"He is also out there.  Close to where they are"

"We cannot trust him to keep them save"

"He wouldn't hurt them...  Racnos wouldn't send him after them"

"How do you know?  Racnos might want his past gone for good"

"That would only be if he remembers"

"And what if he recognized them or something?"

"That will not happen, they are way too careful for something like that"

"But what if they...?"

"He wouldn't do it.  He will not hurt them, no matter what"

"I hope you are right"

"Yeah...  Me too"

the feeling that they were being followed kept on nagging at Leon.  He could almost feel the eyes burrowing into the back of his head.

He shot a quick look at Eve and Meg, before looking over his shoulder.  The moment he saw the shadows following them he swore, earning a stern look from Eve.  "I think we're being followed, Sis" Leon whispered. 

Eve gave him a wide eyed look.

"Are you sure?"

The girl's voice sounded close to tears and Leon swallowed as he nodded.  "yeah, I'm sure" he said softly.  eve bit her lip.  "what are we going to do?" she asked, her voice quivering with fear.  Leon took eve's hand as he started walking a little faster.

"We run, Eve.  Run as fast as we van"

Leon sounded so sure of himself, that they would be able to get away just by running.  Eve looked at her brother for a moment.  He didn't look frightened at all.  The only thing that gave him away was the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"When we turn at the next corner, you run" Leon suddenly said staring straight ahead.  Eve frowned for a moment before she nodded.  "Alright" she said softly.  

Leon let out a sigh of relieve.  He almost thought that Eve was going to say something else, that she knew what he was planning.  Glad that the girl did not suspect anything, Leon kept on walking at a brisk pace.

The moment they turned the next corner, the two started running.

Shadow jumped to the next roof, watching as the two ran.  The dark shadows of the men following them quickly picking up their pace.

"You are not going to make it"

For some reason Shadow panicked.  it was like his breath was caught in his throat.  Shaking his head Shadow ran to the next building.  There was no way that the three would get away just by running.

The two ran down the street, their footsteps echoing in the night.  "Turn left!" Leon hissed right before they got to the intersection.  Without a word further Leon let go of Eve's hand as she turned into the next street.

Leon scrapped up a piece of broken furniture that lay in the street, as he ran.  The moment the shadows appeared behind them again, he hurled it at them.

Cusses and swearing floated up into the air.

Eve looked behind her for a second and stumbled, meg letting out a high pitched scream.  Leon caught the girl before she and Meg could fall to the ground.

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