Chapter 16

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"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"You don't want to do that, Tarea"

"And why not?  You should have had him killed!"

"So now you are going after a past that he cannot even remember?"

"Yes...  And why not?"

"You know very well why not!"

"I will not be made a fool of.  Not by that child!"

"Oh calm down would you.  I know what I'm doing"

"And what is it you're planning on doing"

Don't worry.  You will see...  Call Track and Poison for me, will you?"

"Fine...  Just don't take too long"

Shadow walked through the streets, head down, his face hidden.  His nerves were on edge.  There was a new group following again.  It was the third group of the day.  The guild wasn't going to give up on him.  They've been constantly attacking him.  He was those children a few times before, but didn't pay any attention to them.

The ones that's been following him, suddenly started closing in.  Shadow took a quick look behind him and swore loudly.  He pushed forward and started running.

Yells and screams sounded up behind him.  Shadow shoved people out of the way as he ran.  There was no reason for him to get anybody else involved.  They'd probably get killed if a fight broke out.  Shadow skidded around a corner and quickly had to dodge cyclist that was coming right at him.  Only seconds later, a crash sounded behind him.  The cyclist must have crashed into his pursuers. 

Shadow ignored the yells behind him and used the dumpster as a stepping stone to propel him into the air.  Gunshots echoed through the street and Shadow could feel one of the bullets missing him just barely  Shadow took one last look behind him before he landed on the roof.

The two that were following him, didn't seem to have noticed that he jumped to the roof.  Shadow was breathing hard as he stepped back.  "That was to close" he mumbled and started walking away from the street.  "Where do you think, you're going?" a voice asked from behind.  Shadow stopped and slowly turned around.

One of the two that followed him stood on the roof behind him.  Without hesitation Shadow pulled both his weapons.  "Get lost before I pull the trigger" he said coldly.

The man smirked and a gun appeared in his hand.  Shadow almost laughed.  "You're going to take me on in a gun fight?" he asked sarcastically, before the man could answer his friend joined them.  He wasn't going to let them get a jump on him.  The moment the men moved, Shadow's weapons fired.

Bullets shot through the air.

"Burning limitations" Shadow swore when a bullet grazed his arm.  His eyes snapped at the two men before he shot forward.  His two weapons flashed for a split second before they fired again, blood spattered on the ground.

Shadow took a deep breath through his teeth.  He kicked the two bodies of the roof and watched as they dropped to the ground before he turned and started running again.

He should have known something like it would happen.  He was the new mission.  It was probably a high-end job that was on every assassin, hunter and raider's to do list.  That doesn't mean that he was going to make it easy for them, they'd have to work for it if they wanted him.  He wasn't going to just give up.

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