Chapter 27

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"He will return here.  You know that"
"That is not possible.  Why would he do that?"
"Don't play dumb with me!  He is coming to kill us"
"Yes, I know that he wants to kill us, but why now?"
"He wants to get out, remember?"
"No not this time...  He wouldn't go that far just yet"
"Maybe we should just send someone after those friends of his?"
"He has changed, he is not as he was before"
"Not in that aspect he hasn't"
"As long as he doesn't think himself above all of us"
"You know he will do as he wishes"

Shadow rewrapped the bandages around his arms and hands.  He kept on looking up at the door, waiting for Amari to walk in.  If she knew what he was planning, she would tie him to the bed and leave hi there until he agree not to do what he was planning to.

Carefully he got up from the bed and stepped forward.

Taking a deep breath Shadow felt for the pull of the white domain.  The world around him blurred, turned black and then everything turned white.  

Shadow blinked a few times and looked around.

Levi smirked as he watched the halls  He saw the moment Shadow stepped into the main hallway.  "I've been waiting for you to come again" he said softly "Now show me what you can do"/

He sat back, folding his hands behind his head.  The images before him blacked out for a moment and when they returned again, Shadow was moving.

The white domain looked just like it always did.  It was just as empty and quiet as usual.  Only the silence had a different feel from before.

Shaking his head Shadow started walking through the cold, white and soundless halls.  The route he took was the same one he and Trion took the last time he came with her.  Only this time he didn't stop at the dead end, he reached out with his hand and the moment he touched the well he disappeared without missing a step.

Levi frowned slightly when Shadow disappeared again.  Why did you have to got there?" he asked annoyed "That is the one place that I cannot see, but then against I'll just have to make do with what I can manage"

Static sounded for a moment and then it cleared and he could hear voices coming from within the White Room.

The white room looked the same as always.  Just like all the times before, it felt like the room was drawing out every bit of sanity that he ahd left.  Shadow walked till he stood in the middle of the room and then looked right at the shadow that hid half of the room.

"Come on out, I know you're there"

He looked at the shadows as he heard the shuffle and saw a slight movement.  They finally arrived, keeping tot he shadows as always.

"What are you doing here, Shadow?" a voice asked.

Shadow immediately recognosed it as Tarea's.  He was always the first to speak, taking the lead when both were there.

"What do you want, X-Dalee?" the other voice asked, tinted with anger.

That was Ziddim.  Shadow narrowed his eyes at the shadows, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the two darker than black spots.  "I just came to have a talk with you" he said quietly.  

The silence sounded loud in the room.

"And what is it that you want to talk about?" Tarea asked, the voice dripping with sarcasm.

Shadow closed his eyes for a moment before looking at the shadows with a sneer on his face.  "There is a lot we need to talk about" he said "And I do believe you're not going to like it"

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