Chapter 15

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"He did what?"

"He refused the mission"

"How can he refuse?  He doesn't have a choice in this"

"Yes I know, but he still took the mission, ripped it into pieces and threw it in the trash"

"And what reason did he give for doing?"

Well he told Trion that he cannot go on like that"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know.  You know that kid is not normal"

"We'll have to take him out now"

"Yes that's true, we don't have a choice anymore"

"He will cause problems"

Shadow looked at the rain.

He was in trouble now, but that didn't matter to him anymore.  They could go kill themselves for all he cared.  For the first time he was free.  It felt nice.  Even the cold from the rain didn't bother him.  There was no more turning back.  He'd have to watch his back from now on, They weren't going to just let this go.

The rain started pouring down, completely soaking Shadow.  He made a move to turn up his coat's collar, before he remembered that he wasn't wearing it.  It wasn't long before Shadow started shivering from the cold.

Swearing softly, because he left his coat at the apartment he now felt a bit exposed.  He was only wearing an old black shirt, old jeans, sneakers and black fingerless gloves that hid his guild tattoo.  The coat made him feel somewhat saver between the crowds.  He was so used to hiding that he felt on edge being out in the open like he was.

Shadow shook his head and continued down the street.  He was heading for the sweeper's cafe.  Why he was going there, he didn't know.

Water dripped down from shadow's dark brown hair when he got to the cafe.  There was no reason for him to hurry, he was already soaking wet.  A shiver ran through his body and Shadow crossed his arms.  His lips were already turning blue from the cold.  It might be a good idea for him to get out of the rain.

It's been raining since the previous day, the day that Trion brought him his last mission.  It was the mission that ripped apart.

The look on Trion's face was almost worth it.  It was something that he did at the spur of the moment.  He didn't even really think about it, until he held the mission in his hands.  They were waiting for him to do something and now he did.  

Only after he tore the mission apart did he realize that even if he took the mission, he wouldn't have been able to finish it.  He knew that he was finished now.  It has been a while since he was able to kill without feeling anything.  The strange thing was that he knew it all along, knew that he wasn't going to stay with the guild for long.  Just thinking of becoming a killer like Levi made him sick.  Somehow in the back of his mind he always knew that he wasn't going to stay with the guild, that someday he was going to leave.  

There was too much blood on his hands to ever be able to live a normal life.  The endless killings would always stay with him.


He knew what he was doing when he ripped the envelope apart.  It was like declaring was on the guild.  They wouldn't let it go, let him go and he was fine with that.


Trion stared at the torn pieces that Shadow threw into the trash.  When she looked at him, his face was expressionless, just like always.  There was only a slight flicker in his eyes, but it was gone too fast for her to tell what it had been.

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