Chapter 10

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"He is just a shadow in a dark world"

"Trouble is following him where ever he goes"

"He walks in the darkness..."

"The light behind him..."

"Nothing can be done"

"We cannot involve ourselves with him"

"Yes... A beautiful shadow that we cannot touch"

"... And cannot help"

A scream echoed through the room when the hammer made contact with Shadow's leg. Blinding pain shot through him. For a moment Shadow's vision turned dark. He could hear the man coming closer, his heavy footsteps sounded loud in the room.

Shadow's eyes snapped open. The hammer filled his vision for a moment, before he rolled out of the way onto his feet. The room started turning and he stumbled, falling against the wall. His dark eyes watching the man and his hammer emotionlessly. The wall was the only thing keeping him on his feet at that moment. It felt strange to have to fight without any of his weapons.

He felt vulnerable without them.

For three days he's been fighting one opponent after another. The opponents were getting stronger and stronger with every match. He was exhausted and in constant pain. The two hour break they gave him was barely enough time to clean his wounds, much less rest or eat.

The sick little punishment game of Theirs was taking its toll.

Shadow tried to control his breathing. He didn't know for how long his body would be able to keep up with what he had to do. his speed was getting slower and slower.

The man with his hammer came at Shadow again. The hammer swung through the air. Shadow dodged the attack and kicked the man away from him. As the man stumbled away, he swung his hammer at Shadow again. Shadow dodged the attack again, stumbled and fell, the man also falling to the ground.

Both were breathing hard as they lay on the ground.

Shadow didn't think that he'd be able to get up again. It took almost everything he had just to keep his eyes open.

"Get up!"

Tarea's voice sounded through the room. He sounded angry. Shadow groaned and struggled to his feet. He sways slightly, his right leg giving in under him and he caught himself against the wall. At that moment he'd kill to get his hands on Tarea, if only for a second so that he could show the man what it felt like to be powerless.

Breathing had, Shadow watched as the other man struggled to his feet. The man was going to pay for almost breaking his leg. If it wasn't for that he'd still be able to fight normally, but now...

The man was going to pay.

For a moment the two glared at each other before the man jumped into action and attacked Shadow again. The giant hammer was coming right at his head. Shadow's eyes widen, before he swore and ducked away at the last moment.

The wall cracked.

Shadow looked at the crack, a bit relieved that it wasn't his head. The man was lifting his hammer again for his ext attack. Without really thinking about it, Shadow, kneed the man in the stomach with his injured leg. He almost blacked out form the pain that shot through him, but somehow he kept on going, elbowing the man in the back of his beck as he doubled over.

The man fell heavily on the ground, his hammer making a loud thump sound as it hit the floor. Shadow glared at the man, breathing angrily. A sly smile appeared on Shadow's face as he kicked the man in the side as payment for his leg, before stumbling away to the closest wall.

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