Chapter 24

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"So what do you think about this?"

"I don't know, that one is a strange one"

"Do you think he will leave them?"

"Yes, in fact I do think that's what he will do, maybe not right away, but shell"

"Well he is an assassin, it will not be easy for him to let that go"

"That child of theirs are a true assassin in every sense of the word"

"Does that means we can take a look at him?"

"I don't want that kind of danger in our guild"

"You don't get to pick, that's HER job"

"Shut up and don't bring HER into this" 

"We are going to try, no matter what you say"

Shadow looked at the young woman, frowning.  He just didn't get her.  What on earth was she doing helping him out like she was?  It just didn't make any sense to him.  He knew that he asked her to, but why would she, even if he didn't ask, he was sure that she would have helped.

"Why are you helping me?"

Amari kept a watchful eye on Shadow.  he still didn't look good and she could see that he was trying to hide that pain from her, but he was failing miserably.  She smiled at him.  "I have my reasons, but they are not of any use to you, my dear assassin friend" she said "Besides you are a very interesting person"

Shadow shook his head slightly.  With every step that he took, his body complained.  It was the first time in a while that a night of sleep didn't do anything for the pain.  The only good thing seemed to be that he wasn't getting any worse.  "You're weird' he muttered under his breath and Amari huffed at him.  Shadow almost smiled at the expression on her face.  She looked like he just really insulted her very badly.

"So where are we going?" Amari asked, unable to keep her curiosity  at bay any longer.  Shadow quickly looked at her before looking back in front of him.  "We are going to an apartment" he said shortly.

Amari gave him a baffled look.  "Why on earth are we going to an apartment?' she asked.  Shadow rolled his eyes at her.  "So, I can make sure those in the apartment are still alive" he explained.  Amari frowned.  "These friends of yours, why do you need to take care of them?" she asked.  Annoyance quickly flashed across Shadow's eyes, but he just sighed.  "because I promised them that i would and there are people out there that want them dead because of me" he said "You should have an idea of who those people are".

Amari just looked stunned.  "You mean the guild is afterr them because of you?" she asked and Shadow nodded.  "You see there's a reason that I didn't want them to see me with you" she said.  Amari sighed, "Yes, I understand that, but why didn't you tell them the same thing as you did me?"

Shadow smiled and looked up at the sky.  There was a strange carefreeness in his eyes as he looked at the sky.  "There are some promise that just cannot be broken" he said and looked at Amari with a real smile.  A smile that reached into the coldest depths of his eyes, making them glint with live.

The young woman felt a bit shocked.  It was the first time since she'd met him that he showed any kind of emotions.  "They are lucky to have a friend like you" she said softly.  Shadow's expression turned emotionless again and he shook his head.

"No...  It would have been better if we'd never met"

Amari almost felt like smacking him.  "how can you say something like that?" she asked as she stopped walking, hands on her hips.

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