Chapter 26

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"Oh my, this is getting really interesting"
"Can you see now that he is not just a killer?"
"He is dangerous and you know that"
"Stop it both of you"
"I was just saying that I find him interesting, that's all"
"Don't get his hopes up then"
"That's new.  I never thought you'd say something like that"
"He is going to go crazy, you do know that right?"
"Yes, we all know that.  We've known from the beginning"
"Then let us use him, until there's nothing left"
"I'm starting to like that idea"

The walk back to Amari's house went slowly.  The girl kept a close eye on Shadow.  She did not want him to be out in the open in that condition he was in.  It looked like he was about to fall over and die at any moment.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Shadow just nodded, not saying a word.  His head was pounding and talking just seemed to take too much of his energy.

With a sigh, Amari placed a hand on his arm.  "Ewan..." she started, but Shadow stopped walking and hook his head.  The two of them just stood there, neither of them saying a word.  Shadow looked at the girl for a moment longer before he looked away.

He felt ashamed.

"I am sorry about all of this, Amari" he said and frowned as he looked at her again.  Amari sighed softly ass he looked up at him.  For the first time he seemed haunted and so alone even with her there.  He really had changed since the first time she met him.  If it were back then, she was sure that he wouldn't have shown any emotions to her.  

"Ewan..." she said softly, but Shadow just shook his head.  

"I shouldn't have gotten you involved in this" he said "You shouldn't be helping me"

Shadow opened his mouth to say something, but the glare Amari shot him stopped him from speaking.  Amari shook her head.  "Don't you dare, Ewan" she snapped "Don't you dare try and tell me what I should and shouldn't do.  I can take care of myself"

Shadow lifted his hands in surrender and nodded.   "I understand" he muttered looking at the girl intently.  

Amari almost smiled and she could see the wheels turning in his head.  He was really thinking hard about something.

Without warning, Shadow turned away from her.  "There's something I need to do" he said and started walking, before Amari could do anything.  

She stood frozen for a moment, staring after Shadow before she quickly ran after him.  Grabbing his arm, Amari pulled him to a stop.  Shadow stopped immediately as a sharp pain shot through his arm.  Slowly he turned back to Amari.

The girl was now glaring dagger at him.  It almost looked like she wanted to throttle him right there on the spot.

"You are not going anywhere before I say that you can" Amari hissed at him "I did not fix you up just so that you can run off and get yourself killed!  I will not allow that!"

Shadow blinked surprised  Amari was furious at him for some reason, and he couldn't understand why.  It was just beyond him.  "What...? he asked confused. 

Amari looked at him with a grave expression, there was something tender in her eyes as she met his gaze.  "Ewan..." she started "I know that you can take care of yourself, but right now you don't have the strength to go anywhere on your own.  As you are now, you can barely stay on your feet, and I don't want to see you get hurt any more than you already are".

The confusion didn't clear from Shadow's face as he stared at her and she smiled.  Shadow didn't know what to say, he didn't even know how to react to what she just said.

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