Chapter 2

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"I kind of feel proud of him"

"He did it again"

"I told you that he'd be able to do it"

"There is something seriously wrong with him"

"Don't worry, he'll do fine"

"He is not like the others, we need to be careful. There is something off about him"

"Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean there's something wrong with him"

"That's not it and you know that"

"Never mind that... You have to admit that he's good"

"Yes, yes, he's one of the best that I've ever seen... That is the problem"

"Don't be so over dramatic. That is his advantage"

"He will turn into a problem if we're not careful"

"Then we just take him out"

"No we don't just take him out, we'll have to break him before we do that"

"That's cruel even for you"

The white domain...

It was cold in the white room. There were no windows in the room. One half of the room was black, cast in shadows. That was where They were, standing in the darkness, watching him. Always just watching. "Target eliminated as ordered" he said, keeping his head down. He didn't dare to look up at the leaders that hid in the shadows. Looking at the leaders without permission to stand or speak was forbidden. There were strict rules that had to be followed when in the white domain and even more in the white room.

"Well done, Shadow... It was a clean kill. Your mission is completed"

The voice was cold, just like the white room. Shadow was kneeling on the ground, staring at the tiles in front of him. He was tired and the pounding in his head hadn't led up at all. There was no need for Them to tell him what he did, he already knew and he didn't want to talk to Them. It was already bad enough just being in the same room as Them, working for Them was even worse, but if that meant he didn't have to see Them, he'd do it anytime.

Shadow waited for the leaders to continue their talk. By the rules of the white domain and the white room, he stayed on his knees, head bowed and his eyes cast down.

"You did a good job on this one, Shadow"

Both of the Them were there. It has been a while since Ziddim and Tarea came to debrief him. That normally only happened when he was in trouble. As far as he could remember he didn't do anything wrong since the last time they snapped at him. The only thing he could thing he could think about was that They were mad because he didn't do it like they wanted him to.

His breathing sped up as the pressure in the room increase. It pressed down on his chest, making it hard to breath. The silence in the room stretched out as the pressure got worse and worse. Dark spots started dancing in front of his eyes. A pulse shot through the room, throwing him to the ground. The pressure in the room disappeared, leaving him gasping for breath.

"Next time do what you are told, Fifth Dalee. Now got on your feet"

Shadow struggled to his feet, pressing his hand against his chest. His blood was boiling with anger, breathing head he stood there. The white room was turning, but he wasn't going to show Them that. Shadow closed his eyes for a moment before looking into the shadows where the leaders were hiding. "I apologize" he said and looked down at the ground. He heard a sigh coming from the shadows. They knew that he had to say it, it was just a formality.

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