Chapter 9

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"It is a wonder she found him again"

"Well she was the one that trained him"

"Yes, I must give it to her, she did a good job with that one"

"And now he is turning into Ace"

"Don't be so negative...  She is bringing him in without force"

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"Oh he just needs a tug in the right direction again"

"Again you say?  A punishing session might just be what he needs"

"See everything is not completely hopeless"

"Do you think he will listen this time?"

"Let us hope we don't need t take things any further"

"If we take it any further he might just die"

"It almost sounds like you want to kill him"

"That is the general idea"

"What was that, Shadow?"

Shadow frowned, but didn't say anything.  He just stared of to the road in front of them.  Even if he wanted to answer her, he wouldn't know what to tell her.  He didn't think he'd know how to explain what happened, he didn't even know himself.  

Trion grabbed Shadow's arm, stopping him from going any further.

"What?!" Shadow snapped at the woman, his dark eyes glaring dangerously at her.  He didn't have the energy to argue.  The pounding in his head came back with force and he grimaced. 

Trion watched him intently.

"Do not do this, Shadow.  It is not worth your life and you know that"

Shadow pulled his arm free from Trion and started walking again.  "This had nothing to do with the guild, Trion.  Don't ask me about it again" he said darkly.  Trion sighed before she followed him.  There was nothing she could do for him if he didn't talk to her, but he didn't trust them.

Balling his fists, Shadow slowed down so that Trion could catch up to him.  He didn't mean to snap at her, but he couldn't help it.

He was tired of the memory gaps.  Every time he thought that he'd be able to make some sense from the fractions of memory he had, it would slip away, making his head pound.  The rebound of using his power didn't make things any better.  Thank a calming breath, Shadow relaxed his hands.

Trion watched Shadow for a moment, a worried look in her eyes.  The person walking next to her wasn't the Shadow she knew.  He wouldn't let his emotions get the better of him, never letting anything shake him up, always staying calm and collected. 

But now, now he looked pale, like he hasn't slept in days.  Wound up tight like he'd snap if you just looked at him wrong.

Still, he had that emotionless expression on his face, just like always.  Though there was a dark and dangerous, almost reckless, look in his eyes, something that could easily frighten others.

"You better pull yourself together, young one...  They are not happy with the way you've been acting lately"

shadow ignored Trion, it didn't even look like he heard what she just said, but that didn't matter.  Trion knew that he heard her clearly.  what he was doing was dangerous and she did not like what she saw back in that street.

For that moment he wasn't the feared Shadow of Racnos.  He was the person from before working for the guild, before all of the madness started.  It was like he acted out of habit, a habit he had trouble getting rid of.  that was something that would cause a lot of trouble for him, if Levi told the Leaders about what happened. 

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