Chapter 19

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"Your man failed...  He got away with those two"

"Well then, we just send some more after him, it's not that hard"

"how many men do you plan on sacrificing for killing him?"

"You don't seem to understand"

"Then start explaining things better"

"Alright, we send two after him and at the same time one after them.  That should get his attention"

"Who will you be sending?"

"Why do you think I've called Track and Poison in last time"

"It better work this time, I tired of this game we're playing with him"

"They will kill him or they will be killed"

"That is a good motivation for them"

"Yes, death is a great motivation"

Shadow pulled his hoodie over his head.  The wind was howling through the streets.  It's been days since he'd gotten a good night sleep.

Footsteps from behind, suddenly caught Shadow's attention.  Swiftly he started moving again.  A sharp pain shot through his arm.  He hadn't had time to clean the wounds he'd received from his previous fights.

It was starting to worry him.

Without looking back Shadow weaved his way through the streets.  Nobody took any notice of him.  It was easy enough for him to disappear in the crowds, but it was even easier to do in the slums and that was where he was headed.  Trying his best to lose the one that's been following him, Shadow started criss-crossing through the streets.

By the time that Shadow got to the slums, the man was still after him.  Shadow looked around as he walked.  There were people all around.  They looked just as haggard and worn as Shadow did.

Turning a corner Shadow sat down on the ground next to an old man, pulling his legs up to his chest and the hood of his hoodie over his head.  He listened as the one that followed him also turned the corner and started looking for him.  After a while of not finding anything, the man gave up and left.

When the man left, Shadow slowly got to his feet.  For a moment he leaned against the wall, feeling a little light headed. 

"Burn them"

Shadow looked up at the sky and then he jumped to the roof.  Slowly Shadow started making his way back to where they picked up his trail.

Voices drifted up into the air.  Shadow listened to everything around him.  Something he could almost recognize some of them, but most of the time he just ignored it.  Shadow sat down on the roof, holding his left arm.  It might be a good idea to find a save place and start cleaning his wounds, but he already had an idea that one or two of them might have already been infected.

Amari stepped back, away from the man in front of her.  The man glared darkly at her.  "What do you want from me?" Amari asked.  Her eyes darted to her gun that lay a few feet away from them.  They were in the better part of the slums, but it was still dangerous.

The man leered at her.

Shadow jumped back onto his feet.  It was her voice.  It was the girl, the young woman he'd talked to.  He stepped forward and looked down into the street.  Amari was standing with her back against the wall.  A man stood in front of her.  Shadow could hear every single word they spoke from his spot on the roof.

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