The Project nothing more... but nothing less

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Gabriel leaves with Castiel. Gabriel walks into their house, and right away Anna interrogates him.

"So, where the hell were you? Some guy? Drugs? Alcohol?" Anna said while backing him into a corner.

"Well, I was at Bobby's, yes, no, no." Gabriel said while giving her a smile.

"Who the hell is Bobby?" Anna said infuriated.

"You know the garage, where you take your car to get the tires rotated, Cassie was there and picked me up afterwards." Gabriel says while putting his arms up in surrender.

"Oh, why were you there?" Anna said easing a bit.

"Well there was this new kid today and we are partners for a science project." Gabriel told Anna as she began to walk away to give him room.

"Oh, ok, a project on the first day?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, the teacher is Mr. Henricksen." Gabriel added.

"That makes sense, had him for my science class." Anna said. "Harsh teacher, should get on his good side." She added.

"Well alrighty then, so can I go to my room now, or you still questioning me?" Gabriel asked hoping he could leave.

"No, one more question, who is the new kid?" Anna asked intrigued because he seems fond of this kid.

"Well, his name is Sam Winchester, and according to his brother Dean he doesn't talk because his parents died and it affected him, I don't know much but I think Cassie does because he was talking to Dean about something." Gabriel said while getting Castiel's attention with that stupid nickname.

"Oh well you can go along with your business Gabriel. But as for you Castiel, I want to know more about this Dean character." Anna said now giving her full attention to Castiel.

"Well I know that his parents died in a horrible fire, and he moved here sometime during the summer because of their "Uncle" Bobby, and he graduated last year at some other school with their foster parents, but Dean was old enough and he brought Sam with him to Bobby's because he said if you needed a place to stay come here so he did." Castiel told Anna unaware that Gabriel was listening.

Upstairs with Gabriel.

September 1st 2016, 7:30 p.m.

Hey Sam, sorry about your parents.


September 1st 2016, 7:30 p.m.

Don't worry about it, it was a long time ago.


September 1st 2016, 7:31 p.m.

Ok, just saying. Are we friends?


September 1st 2016, 7:31 p.m.

Only if you want to be...


September 1st 2016, 7:31 p.m.

Well, I guess we are friends, Samsquatch.


With the last text from Gabriel he just left it at that, with a little blush on his face.

"Why are you blushing Sam?" Dean asked with curiosity.

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