The Truth Comes Out

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RECAP: Sam turned so he was facing Gabriel he gave him a hug. Sam never moved from the hug, nor did Gabriel. Gabriel found himself scooting closer to Sam. Sam smiled and drifted off to sleep. Gabriel nuzzled closer to Sam who smelled so good and was so warm. Gabriel later on fell asleep.

Once they woke up Gabriel was still nuzzled to Sam who was awake.

"Sorry." Gabriel told Sam while scooting away.

"Why I'm the one who didn't move." Sam said while giving Gabriel a small smile, and Gabriel just nodded.

Next Morning.

"Hey, boys wake up it's 9 a.m. and I made breakfast!" Anna yelled up to the four boys upstairs.

"Ok." all four mumbled, and Anna was confused by the new voice she slightly heard.

They all filed out of the two rooms, Dean had sweats on and a black tee, Cas had sweats but he wasn't wearing a shirt, Sam had sweats and a grey tee, meanwhile Gabriel was wearing pajama pants and no shirt. Sam and Dean didn't complain about their new friends not wearing any shirts, hell Sam cuddled all night with shirtless Gabriel. Dean and Cas also cuddled but both of them had their shirts off.

They walked down stairs and Anna was sitting at the table eating her plate while she had four plates with eggs, bacon, and toast on them with a cup by each because she didn't know what they want.

"There is coffee if you drink it otherwise there is juice, and water in the fridge." Anna said after she finished her mouthful of food.

"Ok thank you." Cas said while grabbing a coffee mug and pouring himself coffee.

Dean looked at Cas then the coffee cup. Cas laughed to himself and pointed to the cupboard that had the mugs and glass cups in it. Dean nodded and got him a cup and poured coffee in it.

"Sam did you want some orange juice or apple juice?" Gabriel asked while walking over to the fridge.

"Orange." Sam said aloud and coherent. Everyone gasped, while Dean just looked at him and smiled, Anna was baffled by how mature and clear his voice sounded considering he didn't use it for so long above a whisper. Sam looked embarrassed, Gabriel took his cup and filled it and handed it back to him. After that they ate and once they finished they went back upstairs and changed while Gabriel and Cas fought who was going to take a shower first. Then Sam looked over at them arguing in the middle of the hallway and slipped into the bathroom and took the shower, about twenty minutes later Gabriel knocked on the door, Sam replied by knocking on it back and Gabriel told him which shampoo he uses and Sam used Gabriel's shampoo.

Ten minutes after Gabriel told him what shampoo to use, he was out with out a towel. "Gabriel!" Sam half yelled half whispered.

"What Sam?" Gabriel asked behind the door.

"I need a towel." Sam said while still standing in the bathtub.

"Hold on." Gabriel said while walking away.

Gabriel came back a little while later and knocked on the door Sam's reply was a faint 'what'.

"Here's the towel just open the door a little bit and I'll hand it to ya." Gabriel said while waiting for Sam to open the door, once he did he grabbed the towel. Sam didn't take that long to dry off, he got dressed and walked out of the bathroom and back into Gabriel's room.

"Why didn't you say, you needed to take a shower?" Gabriel said while sitting up on his bed and making room for Sam. "Cas and I would've let you go in there first." Gabriel quickly added, Sam just shrugged.

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