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So tis Saturday and they have graduation.

Everyone stayed the night at Bobby's since why not right. Graduation was at noon, but they had a rehearsal type thing at eight in the morning so they had to be up early considering no one had their clothes they were going to wear under their gowns. So they got up around five, Sam got ready for the day around six.

He took the impala and left a note for Dean and Cas.

"So who's house first?" Sam asked as they all got in the impala.

"Go to Jo's she's closest." Charlie said having being the only other person who was fully awake and not grumpy.

"Right alright so are we going to grab your guy's clothes and just come back here?" Sam asked while pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah, I think so." Charlie said.

"Wait are they sleeping?" Sam asked while looking in the rearview mirror.

"It appears so." Charlie said with a smile.

"Oh wow this isn't going to be easy then." Sam said.

"Why not I mean we could always wake them send them to their rooms when we get there." Charlie said then with a 'oh shit they probably are going to sleep there' face.

"Char I understand that you're smart and all but they will most likely fall asleep so we can't let that happen, maybe they told their parents what clothes they'll wear." Sam said while coming to stop at Jo's place.

"Yea alright did you want me to go and get her clothes?" Charlie asked but Sam just nodded.

Charlie knocked on the door once and Ellen answered.

"Sweetie why are you here?" Ellen asked.

"Well see graduation and Jo fell back asleep in the car and we need to grab her clothes." Charlie explained quickly since they had to be at the school in an hour.

"Oh ok her dress that she picked out to where is in her closet upstairs that is in a dress bag with the note that says graduation." Ellen said while letting Charlie in.

"Okay thank you." Charlie thanked while walking upstairs to Jo's room.

Charlie grabbed Jo's dress and ran downstairs.

"Thank you, Ellen!" Charlie yelled.

"No problem, Charlie!" Ellen yelled back.

"Now to Kevin's." Charlie said after she got in, after she laid Jo's dress in the trunk.

"Right." Sam said before speeding off to Kevin's place.

They got to Kevin's and Sam knocked on the door.

"Sam why are you here?" Mrs. Tran asked.

"Well I need Kevin's clothes for graduation he is sleeping in the car right now." Sam explained quickly.

"The clothes are in his closet it should be apart from the others." Mrs. Tran said while letting Sam in.

"Thank you." Sam said, Mrs. Tran just nodded.

Sam grabbed Kevin's clothes and he was off, he thanked her again and put the clothes in the back with Jo's and they were off to Charlie's.

They pulled up to Charlie's and she got out. She walked up to the door and tried to open the door it was locked, Charlie's parents were out of town sure it may sound heartless but they had to work Charlie understands. Her keys were in her bag and that was at Bobby's.

"Sam do you have a lock pick kit?" Charlie asked while walking back over to him.

"Yeah Dean always has one in here hold on." Sam said then begun digging through the glove box waking Gabriel in the process. "Here." Sam said while handing it to Charlie.

Charlie picked the lock to her own house and finally got in. She ran up to her room and got her dress that she is going to wear. She came running down the stairs and out the door she locks the door and ran to the impala and put the dress in the trunk with Jo's and Kevin's clothes.

Now to Gabriel's they pulled up to Gabriel's place. Gabriel was asleep again so Sam walked up to the door. He knocked once and Anna answered.

"Why are you here?" Anna asked.

"Gabriel's Graduation clothes need them now." Sam kept it short.

"Upstairs, go." Anna said getting the hint on what's going on.

Sam ran up the stairs to get Gabriel's clothes when he discovered something. He grabbed Gabriel's clothes and looked on his bed. There was this note and it was the note that they were passing back and forth at the beginning of the year but there was something else on there. Sam thought to himself I can't look, respecting privacy I mean I could always ask him about yeah I'll do that. Then Sam walked out sure he was curious but privacy and things and he put the clothes in the back and got in and started driving to Bobby's. It was currently seven thirty. They woke them up and gave them their clothes which they were confused but oh well. They got dressed had coffee and left to the school. They made it on time they put their cap and gown on and they practiced on whatever they had to do for like three hours which gave them an hour break before the actual thing.

Sam texted Dean saying to come early and bring coffee. Dean came at eleven thirty with the coffees and then they had to line up out in the hallway. They were paired boy girl, and last name. They had to start walking now.. They were walking by their pairs Charlie was the first one that Dean and Cas recognized, then it was a lot of other people then it was Jo, then a more people then they saw Gabriel, then not that many went by then it was Kevin, then a couple more pairs then it was Sam.

When they got to the end of the isle they separated males on the right, females on the left that's how the students were seated. Then the principal were talking and blah blah blah.

They were calling names we're going to block out everyone else until it get's to one of our characters- 'Charlene Bradbury' the principal called she walked up took the diploma and shook the principle hand. Ignoring again cause I ain't got time, oh look at that Joanna Harvelle the principal called and she walked up took the diploma and shook his hand and moved her tassel from the one side to the other (specifics I don't know what it is). Ignoring again until 'Gabriel Novak' the principal called Gabriel walked up took the diploma shook the principal's hand and just gave him a smile and did the tassel thing. Ignoring for a good while now.... Oh look 'Kevin Tran' the principal called, Kevin trotted up and took the diploma shook the man's hand and moved his tassel and walked back down. Now we'll be sitting here for good while...... then finally 'Samuel Winchester' the principal called Sam walked up to him took the diploma shook his hand and walked away.

Now is the time where there is speeches but see I don't know how to make speeches so yea we'll leave it like this. Sam was the valedictorian of that year he gave his speech saying really it's not that hard for getting straight A's and blah blah blah. Speeches were never my thing anyways.

Then the ceremony was over and all the students took off their cap and threw it up in the air.

Everyone gathered by the lobby area before they headed outside to take pictures. The first picture was of Sam and Dean, then the next one was Gabriel and Castiel, then the next was Sam and Gabriel, then the next one was Sam, Gabe, Dean, and Cas, then it was Sam, Gabe, Charlie, Kevin, and Jo. There was one picture that everyone loved it was the whole group with funny faces.

Sometime after the ceremony and pictures they gathered back to Bobby's. Bobby was home he was just in his little office because he closed up the garage early. They were all talking hanging out you know not really wanting to waste time but they all don't want to leave each other even though they all head off to college in September.

They spent the night perusal, and then they left the next day. Well all but Castiel and Gabriel. They stayed with their boyfriend/fiance for two more nights they decided to go and actually see Anna. Since Anna is really the only family they have besides each other and Sam and Dean, but let's all face it Charlie, Jo and Kevin are their family also.

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