Finals and the Unexpected

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So time skips yay who doesn't like those? So current time it's like around the middle of May before Graduation.

So they are currently studying for finals at least supposed to. So Sam and Gabriel have three finals left which are Henricksen's Science final, Ms.Harvelle's History final, and Mr.Fitzgerald IV's English final. So yup, those three the other finals Sam got A's and Gabriel mainly got B's so let's do these finals.

They had the science final on Friday along with history and english. They had their science final first, their science final was really easy well for Sam and Gabriel it was because the parts were; Name all projects you did in this class since freshman year, From the following list name the main elements, Solve each physics equation, True or False, etc.

Once when Sam and Gabriel finished they turned in their exams and sat back down they were done within the first half hour like damn ok. They had about an hour and a half left, you had two choices either stay in the classroom or go to the library if you're a senior. Sam walked up to Henricksen to ask if he could go to the library, Henricksen just nodded and waved his hand so that meant he could go. After a few minutes Gabriel stands and walks over to Henricksen with the same question, Henricksen responded with the same motions.

Sam was waiting for Gabriel luckily no teachers or staff walked passed. Gabriel walked out the door and startled Sam.

"Whoops, I startled the moose." Gabriel whispered with a smirk.

"Shut up, you know you love me." Sam whispered back as they made their way to the library.

"Do I really." Gabriel whispered with a straight face.

"Wait you don't?" Sam asked now concerned with wide eyes.

"I'm just joking, Samsquatch you know I'll always love you." Gabriel said with a cheesy smile.

"Okay but, really Whitney Houston." Sam said with a bitchface.

"C'mon you gotta love her Sam she has mutant lungs." Gabriel said with like a surprised face.

They finally got in the library, the librarian is this old woman who can be really mean or really nice. Since they're seniors she let them talk above a whisper but not too loud since there are finals going on.

Sam and Gabriel walked to the back of the library that no one ever goes to because it's for the old unwanted books that no one checks out. That part of the library Sam, Gabriel, Jo, Charlie, and Kevin hangs out if they have nothing better to do other than school.

Jo, Charlie, and Kevin are currently stuck in Henricksen because they don't understand the physic equations well actually Kevin is having a difficult time with the true and false questions.

Sam and Gabriel were sitting on the ground back against the wall and just talking about senseless things. Then out of nowhere Charlie was there.

"When did you get here?" Sam and Gabriel asked in unison.

"What not happy to see me?" Charlie asked with a fake sad/pout face.

"Ok really Char when did you finish the exam." Sam asked with a smile.

"I don't know but if it helps I showed up when you guys were talking about Dean and Cas getting married. Like is that true?" Charlie asked now going into fangirl mode.

"No it's not true but I think it might happen." Gabriel said. "Wait a minute that was like what a good thirty minutes ago how didn't we notice you?" Gabriel quickly asked.

"Well, I mean it was like forty five minutes ago but who's counting really, and I don't know how you didn't notice considering I was putting my two sense into some of the things you were talking about." Charlie said with a shrug. "But carry on (my wayward son) what you were talking about."

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