Christmas Break

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So currently, Sam and Gabriel are happy and with their friends Jo, Charlie, and Kevin plus Dean and Cas. Which their relationship is going awesome also, Jo and Charlie are denying their feelings for each other, and Kevin is just Kevin freaking Solo.

Everyone was doing great in school, well other than Dean and Cas  because they already graduated. During christmas break, they were making plans to hang out while hanging out.

One day, three days before christmas, Charlie asked Sam, Cas and Kevin to go christmas shopping with her. To no surprise she still needed to shop so they went with her. Meanwhile Dean, Jo, and Gabriel went shopping also the same day. They obviously didn't want to spoil anything for the others so they went to two different malls.

Charlie, Sam, Cas and Kevin were shopping for Dean, Jo, and Gabriel. With all surprise they didn't shop for them, any of them so this was a good thing. Actually Charlie already shopped for Sam, Cas, and Kevin just not Dean, Jo, and Gabriel. Sam shopped for Cas, Kevin, and Charlie not for Dean, Jo and Gabriel. Cas shopped for Charlie, Sam, and Kevin not for Dean, Jo and Gabriel. Kevin shopped for Charlie, Sam, and Cas not for Dean, Jo, and Gabriel.

That whole thing was the same for Dean, Jo, and Gabriel they only shopped for the other two not the rest of the four. Which didn't make sense but I'm the writer so I can do this type of thing.

Charlie, Sam, Cas and Kevin went shopping first they were all looking for a gift for Dean. They all walked into the same store not wanting to lose the group and all. Sam found something for Dean, so did Kevin but Cas and Charlie were having some trouble looking for the 'perfect' gift. The two finally found something and they left that store to a different shop for Jo's present.

They all found Jo's gift pretty easily. So all that left them were Gabriel. Now for Gabriel they all had their own little ideas for him they got everything they needed for his present.

Now on the other hand Dean, Jo, and Gabriel are having issues looking for presents for the others. Dean, Jo and Gabriel stuck together like the others. They walked into Hot topic for Charlie which was pretty easy then, once they got out of there they went to a couple other shops they found Cas the perfect present. Now all that left them was Kevin and Sam. Which for Kevin was also easy once they went into the perfect shop. For Sam they went to book stores, clothes shops but the only person who seemed to buy little things was Gabriel well makes sense he knew him almost more than Dean but that's not surprising. Jo and Dean finally found something for him and Gabriel had to stop at a few more shops apparently he had this elaborate plan for his present.

Once when Charlie, Sam, Cas and Kevin were done shopping they went back to Charlie's. Sam texted Dean that they were going back to Charlie's so Dean could take the rest of them to Bobby's. Which he did.

They bought a lot of wrapping paper and tape to wrap the gifts. Charlie and them went up to her room having seen that her family was in the living room. So they went to her room to wrap presents.

"Alright so the paper and tape will be on my bed and we all should be spread out far enough so we all have room." Charlie said while putting the wrapping paper on her bed.

"Ok." the boys said and plopped on the floor with all their bags of gifts.

They were wrapping gifts for about two hours, they got a lot of stuff and they also kept screwing around with the wrapping paper playing as if they were five and they were swords.

They were all working on their gift for Gabriel when Dean texted Cas saying that they finished wrapping their gifts Cas just told him that all of them were working on Gabriel's gift.

Once when they finished they put it in bags and they left to Bobby's. They got there and of course Gabe wanted to snoop but Sam took the bags and hid them on a top shelf which yes was cruel but hey it had to be done.

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