It's Back...For Now

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Current time: the school year is 2018-2019, it's their Junior year at Sioux Falls High and Sam's anxiety was gone since a couple of months of him being with Gabriel. They thought it was fine, wasn't going to come back unless it was something that bad to cause it. Well it's back, the only person who knows why is Sam.

Sam had finally started to talk again, his anxiety quit acting up so he was good, his sense of the word normal.

Sam this 6'4, muscled man had an anxiety attack that brought him back to when he wouldn't talk. This anxiety attack was something like no other, it scared him, petrified even.

Let's start from the beginning, when he first stopped talking it was for two reasons, one his parents death, and two the murder that happened right in front of his eye plus Lucifer raping him. So this time it was the most oddest thing, he never thought that it would happen again. The man who killed Lucifer, Sam saw him killing another person.

So Sam was going for a walk and he came up to this old, unused park, and the man was standing there beating in another man who looked familiar to him but couldn't place at the moment. Sam had an anxiety attack because of the man killing once again in front of him. Sam was already sweating but the sweating kept coming and he was shaking, Sam finally ran back hoping he didn't see him.

He ran into Bobby's house, out of breath.

"Hey Sam what's wrong." Dean asked concerned.

"Nothing got done with a run, why?" Sam asked trying to hide the fear and anxiety he has at the moment.

"You looked spooked, it's probably nothing." Dean said pretending not to notice his brother's true expression.

Sam went to his room he grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower. While he was in the shower he tried to not think about the man and another murder. When he got out, Gabriel was there, that's when Sam finally calmed down a little.

Sam walked over to Gabriel and hugged him.

"Hey there Samoose, what's up with that hug?" Gabriel asked while giving him a smile.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked returning the smile or at least trying to.

"Well that hug was either like 'hey haven't seen you in a while' or 'hey, sorry but I'm leaving'." Gabriel said and shook his head afterwards.

"Nope neither it was I'm hugging my boyfriend as if my life depended on it, cause it does." Sam said and bent down to kiss him.

"Okay if you say so." Gabriel said parting them for a second before going back to a kiss.

Gabriel and Sam went to Sam's room. They were talking about how mid terms sucked and how much they hated the math test. Then they started to talk about what classes they were going to take for Senior year. They stopped talking and went out to eat at Ellen's Roadhouse Diner, they got what they always get whenever they were with each other, one large order of fries and two chocolate milkshakes just like their first date.

When they were eating, Gabriel was looking out the window and saw a man standing across the street staring right at Sam. Sam saw that Gabriel was getting worried, so he asked what was wrong, Gabriel just shook his head, Sam just brushed it off. When Gabriel and Sam were done Sam was getting up until Gabriel stopped him.

"Wait Sam, let's get a ride from Dean." Gabriel said still with a worried expression.

"Uh why we always walk?" Sam asked sitting right next to Gabriel.

"Well um, there is this guy, see." Gabriel pointed out the window and there was the man who killed Lucifer, and another man in front of Sam.

"Okay so?" Sam questioned and brushed off that guy.

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